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Prof Guillermo GALLEGO
(PhD, Cornell University, 1988) |
Head / Chair Professor / Crown Worldwide Professor of Engineering |
Professor Guillermo Gallego is the Department Head of Industrial Engineering and Decision Analytics, and also the Crown Worldwide Professor of Engineering.
Prior to his appointment in January 2016, Prof. Gallego was the Liu Family Professor at the Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research at Columbia University, where he served as the Department Chairman from 2002-2008. He was named a Manufacturing and Service Operations Management Society (MSOM) Fellow in 2013, Informs Fellow in 2012 and has been the recipient of many awards including the Informs Revenue Management Section Prize (2005), the Revenue 簫簫Management Historical Prize��(2011), the Revenue Management Practice Prize (2012) and the INFORMS Impact Prize (2016).
Prof. Gallego�䏭 research interests are Dynamic Pricing and Revenue Optimization, Supply Chain Management, Electronic Commerce, and Inventory Theory. He has published influential papers in the leading journals of his field where he has also occupied a variety of editorial positions. His work has been supported by numerous industrial and government grants. In addition to theoretical research, Prof. Gallego has developed strong collaboration with global corporations such as Disney World, Hewlett Packard, IBM, Lucent Technologies, Nomis Solutions, and Sabre Airline Solutions. He has also worked with government agencies such as the National Research Council, the National Science Foundation in the United States and the Ireland Development Agency. His graduate students are associated with prestigious universities and occupy leading roles in their chosen fields. He spent his 1996-97 sabbatical at Stanford University and was a visiting scientist at the IBM Watson Research Center from 1999-2003.
Prof. Gallego received both his PhD degree (1988) and MS degree (1987) in Operations Research and Industrial Engineering from Cornell University.
Ph.D. | Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. January 1988. Operations Research and Industrial Engineering. Minors: Economics and Statistics. Advisor: R. Roundy |
M.S. | Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. January 1987. Operations Research and Industrial Engineering. |
B.A. | University of California, San Diego, CA. January 1980. Mathematics, with honors. Minors: Economics and Psychology |
2016-present | Department Head & Chair Professor. Dept. of Ind. Eng. & Decision Analytics HKUST |
2016-present | Crown Worldwide Professor of Engineering. Dept. of Ind. Eng. & Decision Analytics HKUST |
2017-present | Liu Family Emeritus Professor Columbia University |
2012-2017 | Liu Family Professor. Dept. of Ind. Eng. & Oper. Res. Columbia University |
2002-2008 | Department Chairman Ind. Eng. & Oper. Res. Columbia University |
2000-2016 | Professor. Dept. of Ind. Eng. & Oper. Res. Columbia University |
1999-2003 | Visiting Scientist. IBM Watson Research Center, NY. |
1999-2001 | Co-director, MS in Financial Engineering program. |
1996-1997 | Visiting Associate Professor. Graduate School of Business. Stanford University |
1995-2000 | Tenured Associate Professor, Dept. of Ind. Eng. & Oper. Res. Columbia University |
1994-2000 | Co-director Deming Center Columbia University |
1994-1995 | Associate Professor. Dept. of Ind. Eng. & Oper. Res. Columbia University |
1988-1993 | Assistant Professor. Dept. of Ind. Eng. & Oper. Res. Columbia University |
2018-2019 | Revenue Management Practice Prize competition |
2018- | Service Sciences Department Editor Marketing of Services & Revenue Management |
2013-2014 | Edelman prize committee |
2012-2014 | Revenue Management and Pricing award committee |
2007-2009 | von Neumann prize committee |
2006 | Co-organizer of "Management Science Unleashed" conference at IBM. |
2005-2013 | Senior Editor POMS |
2004-2007 | Founder and co-organizer of INFORMS Revenue Management and Pricing Section Conference |
2002-2008 | Chairperson, IEOR Department, Columbia University |
2002-2006 | Senior Editor M&SOM |
1998-2002 | Editorial Board Member M&SOM |
1997-2001 | Departmental Editor IIE-Transactions |
1994-2002 | Associate Editor Management Science |
1994-2006 | Associate Editor Naval Research Logistics |
1994-2000 | Associate Editor Operations Research |
1992-1997 | Associate Editor IIE-Transactions |
1. Gallego, G., and D. Simchi-Levi. 1990. On the Eectiveness of Direct Shipping Strategy
for One Warehouse Multi-Retailer R-Systems Management Science. 36, 240-243.
2. Gallego, G. 1990. Scheduling the Production of Several Items with Random Demands in
a Single Facility. Management Science. 36, 1579-1592.
3. Gallego, G. 1990. An Extension to the Class of Easy Economic Lot Scheduling Problems.
IIE Transactions. 22, 189-191.
4. Inman, R., P. Jones, and G. Gallego. 1991. Economic Lot Scheduling of Fully Loaded
Processes with External Setups. Naval Research Logistics. 38, 699-714.
5. Moon, I., G. Gallego, and D. Simchi-Levi. 1991. Controllable Production Rates in a
Family Productions Context. International Journal of Production Research. 29, 2459-
6. Gallego, G. 1992. A Min-Max Distribution Free Procedure for the (Q,R) Inventory Model.
Operations Research Letters. 11, 55-60.
7. Gallego, G. and I. Moon. 1992. The Eect of Externalizing Setups in the Economic Lot
Scheduling Problem. Operations Research. 40, 614-619.
8. Gallego, G., D. Shaw, and D. Simchi-Levi. 1992. The Complexity of the Staggering
Problem and other Classical Inventory Problems. Operations Research Letters. 12, 47-
9. Gallego, G., and R. Roundy. 1992. The Economic Lot Scheduling Problem with Finite
Backorder Costs. Naval Research Logistics. 39, 729-739.
10. Gallego, G. 1993. Reduced Production Rates in the Economic Lot Scheduling Problem.
International Journal of Production Research. 31, 1035-1046.
11. Gallego, G. and I. Moon. 1993. The Distribution Free Newsboy Problem: Review and
Extensions. Journal of the Operational Research Society. 44, 825-834.
12. Gallego, G., D. Yao, and I. Moon. 1994. Optimal Control of a Manufacturing Process
that Involves Trial Runs. Management Science. 39, 1499-1505.
13. Gallego, G., and D. Joneja. 1994. Economic Lot Scheduling Problem with Raw Material
Considerations. Operations Research. 42, 92-101.
14. Gallego, G. 1994. When is a Base Stock Policy Optimal in Recovering Cyclic Schedules?
Naval Research Logistics. 41, 317-333.
15. Gallego, G. and D. Simchi-Levi. 1994. Rejoinder to a Note on Bounds for Direct Shipping.
Management Science. 40, 1393.
16. Gallego, G. and G. van Ryzin. 1994. Optimal Dynamic Pricing of Inventories with
Stochastic Demands over Finite Horizons. Management Science. 40, 999-1020.
17. Moon, I. and G. Gallego. 1994. Distribution Free Procedures for Some Inventory Models.
Journal of the Operational Research Society. 45, 651-658.
18. Feng, Y. and G. Gallego. 1995. Optimal Starting Times for End of Season Sales and
Optimal Stopping Times for Promotional Fares. Management Science. 41, 1371-1391.
19. Gallego, G. and I. Moon. 1995. Strategic Investment to Reduce Setup Times in the
Economic Lot Scheduling Problem. Naval Research Logistics. 42, 773-790.
20. Gallego, G. and M. Queyranne. 1995. Inventory Coordination and Pricing Decisions:
Analysis of a Simple Class of Heuristics. Chapter 6 in Optimization in Industry 3, Mathematical
Programming and Modeling Techniques in Practice, Anna Sciomachen, Ed. Wiley.
21. Gallego, G. 1996. A New Demand Model for Yield Management. Proceedings of the
AGIFOR society
22. Gallego, G. and I. Moon. 1996. How to Avoid Stockouts when Producing Several Items
in a Single Facility? What to do if you Can't. Computers Operations Research. 23, 1-12.
23. Gallego, G., M. Queyranne, and D. Simchi-Levi. 1996. Single Resource Multi-Item
Inventory Systems. Operations Research. 44, 580-595.
24. Gallego, G. and G. van Ryzin. 1997. A Multi-Product Dynamic Pricing Model with
Applications to Network Yield Management. Operations Research. 45, 24-41.
25. Gallego, G., and D. Shaw. 1997. On The Complexity of the Economic Lot Scheduling
Problem with General Cyclic Schedules. IIE Transactions. 29, 109-113.
26. Gallego, G. 1998. New Bounds and Heuristics for (Q,R) Policies. Management Science,
44, 219-233.
27. Gallego, G. and P. Zipkin. 1999. Qualitative Analysis of Multi-Stage Production-
Transportation Systems: Stock Positioning and Performance Estimation. MSOM, 1,
28. Feng, Y. and G. Gallego. 2000. Perishable Asset Revenue Management with Markovian
Time Dependent Demand Intensities. Management Science, 46, 941-956.
29. Gallego, G. and A. Scheller-Wolf. 2000. Capacitated Inventory Problems with Fixed
Order Costs: Some Optimal Policy Structure. European Journal of Operations Research,
126:3, 603-613.
30. Gallego, G., J. K. Ryan, and D. Simchi-Levi. 2001. Minimax Analysis for Discrete Finite
Horizon Inventory Models. IIE Transactions, 33, 861-874.
31. Boyac, T., and G. Gallego. 2001. Serial Production/Distribution Systems Under Service
Constraints. MSOM, 3, 43-50.
32. Boyac, T., and G. Gallego. 2001. Minimizing Holding and Ordering Costs Subject to a
Bound on Backorders is as Easy as Solving a Single Backorder Cost Model. Operations
Research Letters 29, 87-92.
33. Gallego, G., and O. Ozer. 2001. Integrating Replenishment Decisions With Advance
Demand Information. Management Science 47, 1344-1360.
34. Gallego, G., and O. Ozer. 2001. Optimal Use of Demand Information in Supply Chain
Management. 2001. In: Supply Chain Structures: Coordination, Information, and Optimization,
J.S. Song and D.D. Yao (eds.), Kluwer.
35. Boyac, T., and G. Gallego. 2002. Coordination Pricing and Inventory Replenishment
Policies for One Wholesaler and One or more Geographically Dispersed Retailers. Inter-
national Journal of Production Economics 77, 95-11.
36. Boyac, T., and G. Gallego. 2002. Managing Waiting Times of Backordered Demands in
Single-Stage (Q,r) Inventory Systems. Naval Research Logistics, 49, 557-573.
37. Heching, A., Gallego, G. and G. van Ryzin. 2002. Markdown Pricing: An Empirical
Analysis of Policies and Revenue Potential at One Apparel Retailer Journal of Revenue
and Pricing Management, 1:2, 139-160.
38. Gallego, G. and O. Ozer. 2003. Optimal Replenishment Policies for Multi-Echelon Inventory
Problems under Advance Demand Information. MSOM, 5, 157-175.
39. Boyac, T., G. Gallego, K.H. Shang, J.S. Song. 2003. Erratum to Bounds in Serial
Production/ Distribution Systems under Service Constraints. MSOM 5, 372-374.
40. Grey W, Katircioglu K, Bagchi S, Shi DL, Gallego G, Seybold D, Stefanis. 2003. An analytic
approach for quantifying the value of e-business initiatives IBM SYSTEMS JOUR-
NAL 42, (3): 484-497.
41. Boyac, T., and G. Gallego. 2004. Supply Chain Coordination in a Market with Customer
Service Competition. Production and Operations Management 13, (1): 3-22.
42. Gallego, G. and H. Hu. 2004. Optimal policies for production/inventory systems with
nite capacity and Markov-modulated demand and supply processes, in Stochastic Models
of Production-Inventory Systems, G. Liberopoulos et al. (eds.), Annals of Operations
Research, 125/126.
43. G. Gallego and B. Toktay. 2004. All-or-Nothing Ordering under a Capacity Constraint.
Operations Research 52:6, 1001-1002.
44. Gallego, G. and R. Phillips 2004. Revenue Management of Flexible Products. MSOM, 6,
45. G. Gallego and O. Ozer. 2005. A New Algorithm and a New Heuristic for Serial Supply
Systems. Operations Research Letters, 33:4, 349-362.
46. Q. Feng, G. Gallego, S. P. Sethi, H. Yan and H. Zhang. 2005. A Periodic-Review
Inventory Model with Three Consecutive Delivery Modes and Forecast Updates. Journal
of Optimization Theory and Applications 124:1, 1573-2878.
47. Gallego G, S. P. Sethi. 2005. K-convexity in R-n. Journal of Optimization Theory and
Applications 127:1, 71-88.
48. Gallego, G., S. Krishnamoorthy, Phillips, R. 2006. Dynamic Revenue Management Games
with Forward and Spot Markets. Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management 5, 10-31.
49. Gallego G, Katircioglu K, Ramachandran B. 2006. Semiconductor inventory management
with multiple grade parts and downgrading. Production Planning & Control 17:7, 689-
50. Gallego G, Huh WT, Kang W, Phillips R. 2006. Linear convergence of Tatonnement in a
Bertrand oligopoly. Lecture Notes in Computational Science and its Applications 3982,
51. Gallego, G., W. T. Hu, W. Kang, and Phillips, R. 2006. Price Competition with the
Attraction Demand Model: Existence of Unique Equilibrium and Its Stability. MSOM,
8:4, 359-375.
52. Gallego, G, Y. Jin, A. Muriel, G. Zhang and V.T. Yildiz 2007. Optimal ordering policies
with convertible lead times. European Journal of Operations Research 176:2, 892-910.
53. Gallego, G., Katircioglu, K. and B. Ramachandran. 2007 Inventory management under
highly uncertain demand. Operations Research Letters, 35: 3, 281-289.
54. Gallego, G. O. Ozer, and P. Zipkin. 2007. Bounds, Heuristics and Approximations for
Distribution Systems. Operations Research, 55:3, 503-517.
55. Gallego, G., R. Phillips, and Kou, S. 2008. Revenue Management of Callable Products.
Management Science, 54, 550-564.
56. Gallego, G., Sahin, O., and Phillips, R. 2008. Strategic Management of Distressed Inventory.
Production and Operations Management Society. 4, 402-415.
57. Gallego, G., Krishnamoorthy S. and R. Phillips. 2009. Competitive Revenue Management
with Forward and Spot Markets. Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management.
58. Gallego, G. Lin, L. and R. Ratli. 2009. Choice-based EMSR methods for single-leg
revenue management with demand dependencies. Journal of Revenue and Pricing Man-agement, 8, 207-240.
59. Chen S. Gallego, G., and Li. M. 2010. Optimal seat allocation for two-flight problems
with a f
exible demand segment. European Journal of Operations Research 3, 897-908.
60. Gallego, G. and O. Sahin. 2010. Revenue Management with Partially Refundable Fares.
Operations Research, 58, 817 - 833.
61. Gallego, G., S. Krishnamoorthy, Phillips, R. 2011. Competitive Revenue Management
with Forward and Spot Markets. Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management, 10,
62. Gallego, G. 2011. Revenue Management. Chapter in The Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations
Research and Management Science. James J. Cochran, editor.
63. Katricioglu, K. and G. Gallego. 2011. A Practical Multi-Echelon Inventory Model with
Semiconductor Manufacturing Application. Chapter in Planning Production and Inventories
in the extended enterprise. International Series in Operations Research & Management
Science, 2011, Volume 152, 133-151.
64. Gallego, G. and C. Stefanescu. 2012. Services Engineering: Design and Pricing of Service
Features. Chapter in The Oxford Handbook of Pricing Management. Ozer, 0. and R.
Phillips, editors. Oxford University Press.
65. Gallego, G. and M. Talebian. 2012. Demand Learning and Dynamic Pricing for Multi-Version Products. Journal of Pricing and Revenue Management, 11, 303 - 318.
66. Blanchet, J, Gallego, G., and V. Goyal. 2013. A Markov chain approximation to choice
modeling. ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce, 103-104.
67. Gallego, G., R. Ratli, and S. Shebalov. 2013. A General Attraction Model and an Eff-cient Formulation for the Network Revenue Management Problem. Operations Research,
61, 1, 212-232
68. Davis, J., G. Gallego, and H. Topaloglu. 2014. Assortment Optimization under Variants
of the Nested Logit Model. Operations Research, 62(2) 250 - 273.
69. Gallego, G. and R. Wang. 2014. Multiproduct Price Optimization and Competition
Under the Nested Logit Model with Product-Dierentiated Price Sensitivities. Operations
Research, 62 (2), 450 - 461.
70. Gallego, G. and M. Hu. 2014. Dynamic Pricing of Perishable Assets under Competition.
Management Science, 60 (5), 1241-1259.
71. Gallego, G. and Talebian, M. 2014. Commissions and Sales Targets Under Competition.
Management Science, 60, 9, 2180 - 2197
72. Gallego, G., H. Topalopglu. 2014. Constrained Optimization for the Nested Logit Model.
Management Science, 60, 10, 2583-2601
73. Gallego, G., Wang, R., Ward, J., Hu, Ming, Beltran, J., Kayis, E., and S. Jain. 2015.
Flexible Duration Warranties with Dynamic Reliability Learning. Production and Oper-rations Management, 23, 4, 645-659.
74. Gallego, G., Wang, R., Hu, Ming, Ward, J, and J. L. Beltran. 2015. No Claim? Your
Gain: Design of Residual Value Extended Warranties Under Risk Aversion and Strategic
Claim Behavior. MSOM, 17, 1, 87-100.
75. Blanchet, J., Gallego, G. and Goyal, V. 2016. A Markov Chain Approximation to Choice
Modeling. Operations Research, 64, 4, 886-905.
76. Gallego, G., and Scheller-Wolf, Alan. 2016. Corrigendum to capacitated inventory problems
with xed ordering costs: some optimal policy structure. EJOR 253, 1, 241.
77. Gallego, G., Liu, Y, and Li. M.Z. 2017. Dynamic Nonlinear Pricing of Inventories over Finite Sales Horizons. To appear in Operations Research.
78. Chen,NingyuanandG.Gallego. 2018. WelfareAnalysisofDynamicPricing. Management Science.
79. Gallego, G. A Li, VA Truong, X Wang. 2019. Approximation Algorithms for Product Framing and Pricing. To appear in Operations Research.
80. Gallego, G. and H. Topaloglu. Revenue Management and Pricing Analytics. International Series in Operations Research & Management Science. 2019, ISBN 978-1-4939-9606-3.
81. Gallego, G. and Taliban, M. 2019. Oligopolistic Contracting: Channel Coordination under Competition. To appear in Naval Research Logistics.
82. Chen, NingyuanandG.Gallego. 2019. APrimal-dualLearningAlgorithmforPersonalized Dynamic Pricing with an Inventory Constraint. Submitted to Math of OR.
83. Chen,NingyuanandG.Gallego. 2019. PersonalizedPricingwithNonparametricLearning. Submitted to Operations Research.
84. Gallego, G., and Wang, R. 2019. Threshold Utility Model with Applications to Retailing and Discrete Choice Models. Submitted to Management Science.
85. Chen, Ningyuan, G. Gallego, P. Gao, and S. Kou. 2019. Dealership or Marketplace: A Dynamic Comparison. Submitted to Econometrica.
Name | PhD date | Current Affiliation | Position |
Ilkyeong Moon | July 2010 | Seoul University | Professor |
Youyi Feng | July 2015 | Sichuan University | Professor |
Tamer Boyac覺 | July 2015 | EMST Berlin | Professor |
A. Ozalp Ozer | July 2000 | Stanford University | Assistant Professor |
July 2009 | UT Dallas | Professor | |
Haichu Hu | May 2001 | Goldman Sachs | Vice President |
Zheng Wang | May 2004 | Citibank | Vice President |
Srinivas Krishnamoorthy | July 2005 | Ivey School of Business | Assistant Professor |
Haengju Lee | July 2017 | Pusan University | Assistant Professor |
Ge Zhang | July 2005 | SFG&E | Analyst |
Ozge Sahin | July 2011 | Johns Hopkins University | Professor |
Ming Hu | May 2008 | University of Toronto | Professor |
Lin Li | May 2008 | Sabre | Research Scientist |
Ruxian Wang | May 2011 | HP | Analyst |
July 2013 | Johns Hopkins University | Assistant Professor | |
Anran Li | May 2018 | London School of Economics | Assistant Professor |
IEOR E3402 | Production Planning and Inventory Control |
IEOR E3404 | Production Scheduling |
IEOR 4000 | Production Management |
IEOR E4003 | Industrial Economics |
SIEOR E4150 | Probability and Statistics |
IEOR 4574 | Business Analytics |
IEOR E4706 | Financial Engineering I |
IEOR E4700 | Intro to Financial Engineering |
IEOR E4601 | Dynamic Pricing and Revenue Management |
Mgmt. Sc.-IEOR W6406 | Inventory Planning Models |
Mgmt. Sc.-IEOR W6408 | Inventory Theory |
IEOR E6609 | Dynamic Programming |
B6015 | Decision Models |
B7015 | Decision Models |
IEOR E8100 | Seminar Revenue Management |
IEDA 1010/1020 | Academic and Personal Development |
IEDA 6010c | Seminar on Dynamic Pricing and Revenue Optimization |