
1    Refereed Journal Publications
# Class Description # Pages % Work % Writing
J25 A "Flexible Encapsulated MEMS Pressure Sensor System for Biomechanical Applications" N. K.S. Lee, R.S. Goonetillke, Y.S. Cheung, G. M.Y. So,  J. Microsystem Technology. Vol 7(2), p 55-62 (2001) 6    
J24 A "Effects of Surface Roughness on Multi-Station Mechanical Alignment Process" N.K.S. Lee, J.Y. Chen, A.Joneja, (Accepted) ASME Journal of Mfg. Science and Engineering.  54 (preprint)    
J23 A "Effect of Datum Securing Method on Precision of Mechanical Alignment System" N.K.S. Lee, K.K.C. Hon, V.P.Y. Cheung, A. Joneja, (Accepted) ASME Journal of Mfg. Science and Engineering.  32 (preprint)    
J22 A "A Simple Approach to Characterizing The Driving Force of Polysilicon Laterally-driven Thermal Microactuators" Q.A. Huang, N.K.S. Lee,   J. of Sensor & Actuator:  80, p.267-272 (2000). 6    
J21 A "Analytical Modelling and Optimization for a Laterally-driven Polysilicon Thermal Actuator" Q.A. Huang, N.K.S. Lee,  Microsystem Technologies vol 5, p133-137 (1999) . 5    
J20 A "Analysis and Design of Polysilicon Thermal Flexure Actuator" Q.A. Huang, N.K.S. Lee,  J. of Micromech. Microeng, vol 9, p 64-70 (1999). 7    
J19 A "Automated Configuration of Parameteric Feeding Tools for Mass Customization" by A. Joneja, N.K. Lee, to be published in International Journal of Computer & IE 6 35 35
J18 A "Thermal Management for the Robustness Improvement of Double Sided SMT Solder Reflow", N.Lee, R. Lin, V. Li, to be published in J. of Electronic Manufacturing 28 60 40
J17 A "MPATS: A Modular, Parametric Assembly Took Set for Mass Customization" A. Joneja, N. Lee, to be published in IIE Transaction 25 35 35
J16 A "Remote Fine Tracking Mechanism For Optical Flying Head" N.Lee, IEEE Transaction on Magnetics, Vol 34, p. 423-425, 1998 3 100 100
J15 A "An Ultra-high Resolution Optical Monitoring System Using Noise Cancellation Technique", N.Lee, Y.Cai, A.Wong,A. Joneja, J. of Opt. Engineering, Vol 36, p.3353,1997 21 45 50
J14 A "A High Resolution Multi-dimensional Displacement Monitoring System: N.Lee, Y.Cai, A. Joneja, J. of Optical Engineering, Vol36, p2287,1997 7 50 50
J13 A "A Method to Improve Manufacturing Precision in the Presence of Workpiece Imperfections" N.Lee and A. Joneja, J. Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol 119, p616-622, 1997 24 65 50
J12 A "Efficient Sampling for Surface Measurements" T.C.Woo, R.Liang, C.C.Hsieh and N.K. Lee, J. of Manufacturing System, Vol.14 p. 345 (1995) 10 15 15
J11 A "Nonlinear Absorption of CO2 Laser Radiation by Non equilibrium Carriers in Germanium:, Sunny Y. Yuen, Roshan L. Aggarwal, Neville Lee and Benjamin Lax, Opt. Commun. Vol 237, p237(1979) 4 20 20
J10 A "Third-Order Nonlinear Susceptinility of CdTe in the 10um Region", K. Alavi, Neville Lee, Roshan L Aggarwal and B. Lax, Bull of Amer, Phys. Soc. Vol23, p411 (1978) 1 35 40
J9 A "Single Longitudinal Mode TEA CO2 Laser with Titled Intracavity Etalon", Neville Lee and Roshan L. Aggarwal, Appl. Opt. Vol 16, p.2620 (1977) 2 80 80
J8 A "Intense Tunable IR Generation by Four-Photon Mixing in Germanium", Neville Lee, Roshan L. Aggarwal and Benjamin Lax, Journal of Appl. Phys. Vol 48, p. 2470 (1977) 6 70 70
J7 A "Noncollinear Phase-Matched Four-Photon Mixing of CO2 Laser Radiation in Germanium", Neville Lee, Roshan L. Aggarwal, and Benjamin Lax, Opt. Comu. Vol 19, p.401 (1977) 3 70 70
J6 A "Generation of 12 um Radiation by Difference-Frequency Mixing of CO2 Laser Radiation in GaAs", Neville Lee, Roshan L. Aggarwal and Benjamin Lax, Appl. Phys. Lett. Vol29, p.45 (1976) 2 70 70
J5 A "High Power Far Infrared Generation in GaAs", Neville K.S. Lee, Roshan L. Aggarwal, Opt. Commun. Vol 18 p50 (1976) 4 70 70
J4 A "Noncollinear Folded Mixing Geometry's for Difference-Frequency Far Infrared Generation", Neville K.S. Lee, Roshan L. Aggarwal and Benjamin Lax, Opt. Commun., Vol.11, p339 (1974) 4 70 70
J3 A "Odd Parity Donor Levels of Germanium in a Magetic Field", Neville K.S. Lee, David M. Larsen, and Benjamin Lax, J. Phys. Chem. Solids, Vol 35, pp401-407, (1974). 6 70 70
J2 A "Field Dependent Central Cell Correction to Germanium" Neville K.S.Lee, David M. Larsen, and Benjamin Lax, J. Phys. Chem. Solids, vol 34, pp1817-1825 (1973). 8 70 70
J1 A "excition Levels in a Magnetic Field" Neville K.S. Lee, David M. Larsen, And Benjamin Lax, J. Phys, Chem. Solids, 1973, Vol. 34, pp1059-1067 (1973). 8 70 70

2    Refereed Conference Publications
# Class Description # Pages  % Work % Writing
C17 A "Budding Assembly Accuracy in the Presence of Workpiece Surface Roughness and Dimensional Error” G.H.Yu, D. Ceglarek, and N.K.S. Lee**,   IMECE 2001 DFM Symposium, New York,  Nov 2001  13    
C16 A "Effect of Mechanical Alignment System on Assembly Accuracy" N.K.S. Lee, G.H. Yu, Y. Zou, J.Y. Chen, A. Joneja,  ASME A Symposium on Assembly Systems: Modeling, Design and Diagnosis , Orlando, Fl. Nov. 2000 28    
C15 A "A New Ultra-High Precision alignment Method" by N.K.S. Lee, P.K.Ko, C.Y. Wong, J. Xhie, 1st euspen Conference (Int, Institute for Production Engr Research CIRP), Bremen, Germany June 1999.  4    
C14 A "Applications of Scanning Probe Microscopy in Step-and-Repeat Lithographic Process Control" by J. Xhie, C.Y. Wong, and N.K.S. Lee,  Electro Chemical Society Meeting, Seattle, USA,  May, 1999  4    
C13 A "Remote Fine Tracking Mechanism For Optical Flying Head" by N.K.Lee, APDSC 97 (Asia Pacific Data Storage Conference), Tao-Yuen, Taiwan 1 100 100
C12 A "Flying Heads With Adjustable Gram Load" by J. Berg, & N.K.Lee, APDSC 97 (Asia Pacific Data Storage Conference), Tao-Yuen, Taiwan 1 35 35
C11 A "Automated Configuration of Parameteric Feeding Tools for Mass Customization" by A. Joneja, N.K.Lee, to be Presented In the 22nd ICC & IE Conference (Computer & Industrial Engineering) Cairo, Egypt, 1997. 6 35 35
C10 A "A Methodology to Improved Manufacturing Precision in the Presence of Workpiece Imperfection" by N.K.Lee and A. Joneja, Presented in 1995 ASME Winter Annual Meeting In San Fransicso. 24 65 50
C9 A "Low Cost Media Having a Reverse Trilayer Dtructure"' Neville Lee, Sue Chao, Irving Bell, Wu Jing Ho and Edward Labudde, Proceeding of SPIE Conference on Optical Storgae Media, Arlington, Vol 420, p.282,1983 5 40 60
C8 A "New Media Development at Burroughs: Material and Coating", Sue Chao, Irving Bell and Neville Lee, Proceeding of SPIE Conference on Optical Data Storage, Lake Tahoe, Vol 382, p.149, 1983 8 20 20
C7 A "A Novel Non-Ablative Optical Memory Media", Neville Lee and Sue Chao, SPSE Symposium on Unconventional Imaging, Arlington, 1982 2 60 60
C6 A "Performance of Optical Disk from Burroughs"' Neville Lee, Yonez Kohanzadeh, Paul Sherpered and Sue Chao, Proceeding of SPIE Symposium on Optical Disk Technology, Los Angeles,Vol.329, p.186, 1982 4 40 50
C5 A "Intense Tunable IR Source for Laser Photochemistry", Neville Lee, Aggarwal and Benjamin Lax, Presented at Conference on Laser Engineering and Applications, Washington, 1977.   70 70
C4 B "8.6um generation by 4-Wave Mixing in Germanium", Neville Lee, Roshan.L.Aggarwal and Benjamin Lax, Presented at Conference on Lasers for Isotope Separation, Albuquerque, 1077   70 50
C3 A "Infrared Generation by Nonlinear 4-Photon Mixing in Germanium", Neville Lee, Roshan L.Aggarwal and Benjamin Lax, Digested of Conference of Optical Phenomena in Infrared Materials, Annapolis, 1976, p.FA4-1 2 70 70
C2 A "Efficient High Power 8.6um Infrared Radiation Source for Uranium Isotope Separation in UF6", Neville Lee, Roshan L. Aggarwal and Benjamin Lax, Proceedings of the International Conference on lasers and Their Applications, Leon, Norway. 4 70 40
C1 A "Far Infrared Generation by Noncollinear Difference Frequency Mixing", Roshan L. Aggarwal, Neville Lee and Benjamin Lax, Conference Digest of the International Conference on Sub millimeter Waves and Their Applications, Atlanta 19, (1974).   70 40

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