# |
Class |
Description |
# Pages |
% Work |
% Writing |
J25 |
A |
"Flexible Encapsulated MEMS Pressure Sensor System for Biomechanical
Applications" N. K.S. Lee, R.S. Goonetillke, Y.S. Cheung, G. M.Y.
So, J. Microsystem Technology. Vol 7(2), p 55-62 (2001) |
6 |
J24 |
A |
"Effects of Surface Roughness on Multi-Station Mechanical Alignment
Process" N.K.S. Lee, J.Y. Chen, A.Joneja, (Accepted) ASME Journal
of Mfg. Science and Engineering. |
54 (preprint) |
J23 |
A |
"Effect of Datum Securing Method on Precision of Mechanical Alignment
System" N.K.S. Lee, K.K.C. Hon, V.P.Y. Cheung, A. Joneja, (Accepted)
ASME Journal of Mfg. Science and Engineering. |
32 (preprint) |
J22 |
A |
"A Simple Approach to Characterizing The Driving Force of Polysilicon
Laterally-driven Thermal Microactuators" Q.A. Huang, N.K.S. Lee,
J. of Sensor & Actuator: 80, p.267-272 (2000). |
6 |
J21 |
A |
"Analytical Modelling and Optimization for a Laterally-driven Polysilicon
Thermal Actuator" Q.A. Huang, N.K.S. Lee, Microsystem Technologies
vol 5, p133-137 (1999) . |
5 |
J20 |
A |
"Analysis and Design of Polysilicon Thermal Flexure Actuator" Q.A.
Huang, N.K.S. Lee, J. of Micromech. Microeng, vol 9, p 64-70
(1999). |
7 |
J19 |
A |
"Automated Configuration of Parameteric Feeding Tools for Mass Customization"
by A. Joneja, N.K. Lee, to be published in International Journal
of Computer & IE |
6 |
35 |
35 |
J18 |
A |
"Thermal Management for the Robustness Improvement of Double Sided
SMT Solder Reflow", N.Lee, R. Lin, V. Li, to be published in J.
of Electronic Manufacturing |
28 |
60 |
40 |
J17 |
A |
"MPATS: A Modular, Parametric Assembly Took Set for Mass Customization"
A. Joneja, N. Lee, to be published in IIE Transaction |
25 |
35 |
35 |
J16 |
A |
"Remote Fine Tracking Mechanism For Optical Flying Head" N.Lee,
IEEE Transaction on Magnetics, Vol 34, p. 423-425, 1998 |
3 |
100 |
100 |
J15 |
A |
"An Ultra-high Resolution Optical Monitoring System Using Noise Cancellation
Technique", N.Lee, Y.Cai, A.Wong,A. Joneja, J. of Opt. Engineering,
Vol 36, p.3353,1997 |
21 |
45 |
50 |
J14 |
A |
"A High Resolution Multi-dimensional Displacement Monitoring System:
Y.Cai, A. Joneja, J. of Optical Engineering, Vol36, p2287,1997 |
7 |
50 |
50 |
J13 |
A |
"A Method to Improve Manufacturing Precision in the Presence of Workpiece
Imperfections" N.Lee and A. Joneja, J. Manufacturing Science and
Engineering, Vol 119, p616-622, 1997 |
24 |
65 |
50 |
J12 |
A |
"Efficient Sampling for Surface Measurements" T.C.Woo, R.Liang, C.C.Hsieh
and N.K. Lee, J. of Manufacturing System, Vol.14 p. 345 (1995) |
10 |
15 |
15 |
J11 |
A |
"Nonlinear Absorption of CO2 Laser Radiation by Non equilibrium Carriers
in Germanium:, Sunny Y. Yuen, Roshan L. Aggarwal, Neville Lee and
Benjamin Lax, Opt. Commun. Vol 237, p237(1979) |
4 |
20 |
20 |
J10 |
A |
"Third-Order Nonlinear Susceptinility of CdTe in the 10um Region",
K. Alavi, Neville Lee, Roshan L Aggarwal and B. Lax, Bull of Amer,
Phys. Soc. Vol23, p411 (1978) |
1 |
35 |
40 |
J9 |
A |
"Single Longitudinal Mode TEA CO2 Laser with Titled Intracavity Etalon",
Lee and Roshan L. Aggarwal, Appl. Opt. Vol 16, p.2620 (1977) |
2 |
80 |
80 |
J8 |
A |
"Intense Tunable IR Generation by Four-Photon Mixing in Germanium",
Lee, Roshan L. Aggarwal and Benjamin Lax, Journal of Appl. Phys. Vol
48, p. 2470 (1977) |
6 |
70 |
70 |
J7 |
A |
"Noncollinear Phase-Matched Four-Photon Mixing of CO2 Laser Radiation
in Germanium", Neville Lee, Roshan L. Aggarwal, and Benjamin Lax,
Opt. Comu. Vol 19, p.401 (1977) |
3 |
70 |
70 |
J6 |
A |
"Generation of 12 um Radiation by Difference-Frequency Mixing of CO2
Laser Radiation in GaAs", Neville Lee, Roshan L. Aggarwal and Benjamin
Lax, Appl. Phys. Lett. Vol29, p.45 (1976) |
2 |
70 |
70 |
J5 |
A |
"High Power Far Infrared Generation in GaAs", Neville K.S. Lee,
Roshan L. Aggarwal, Opt. Commun. Vol 18 p50 (1976) |
4 |
70 |
70 |
J4 |
A |
"Noncollinear Folded Mixing Geometry's for Difference-Frequency Far
Infrared Generation", Neville K.S. Lee, Roshan L. Aggarwal and Benjamin
Lax, Opt. Commun., Vol.11, p339 (1974) |
4 |
70 |
70 |
J3 |
A |
"Odd Parity Donor Levels of Germanium in a Magetic Field", Neville
K.S. Lee, David M. Larsen, and Benjamin Lax, J. Phys. Chem.
Solids, Vol 35, pp401-407, (1974). |
6 |
70 |
70 |
J2 |
A |
"Field Dependent Central Cell Correction to Germanium" Neville K.S.Lee,
David M. Larsen, and Benjamin Lax, J. Phys. Chem. Solids, vol 34, pp1817-1825
(1973). |
8 |
70 |
70 |
J1 |
A |
"excition Levels in a Magnetic Field" Neville K.S. Lee, David
M. Larsen, And Benjamin Lax, J. Phys, Chem. Solids, 1973, Vol. 34, pp1059-1067
(1973). |
8 |
70 |
70 |