HKUST LOGO Hong Kong University of Science and Technology IEEM LOGO Department of Industrial Engineering and Decision Analytics (IEDA)

Photo Prof. Fugee Tsung
(Ph.D., University of Michigan)

Chair Professor, HKUST, HKUST(GZ)
Director of Industrial Informatics and Intelligence Institute (Triple-i)
Director of Quality and Data Analytics Lab (QLab)

LinkedIn: Fugee Tsung

Dept of Industrial Engineering and Decision Analytics (IEDA), HKUST
Data Science and Analytics (DSA) Thrust, HKUST(GZ)
Computational Media and Arts (CMA) Thrust (joint appointment), HKUST(GZ)

Academician, International Academy for Quality (IAQ); Fellow, American Statistical Association (ASA), American Society for Quality (ASQ), Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE), Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE); Elected Member, International Statistical Institute (ISI)

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (GZ)
Nansha, Guangzhou
Tel: (852)2358-7097
[profile/research interest] [academic/industrial experience] [professional duties] [activities/honors] [research grants] [publications] [courses taught] [students advised]

Research Interest

Q uality Analytics; Industrial Big Data; Statistical Process Control (SPC), Monitoring, and Diagnosis; Helping Solve the World's Problems Using Quality, Analytics, and Innovation.

Google Scholar: Fugee Tsung


Prof. Tsung is a globally recognized expert in industrial analytics and quality engineering, listed among the top 2% of most influential scientists worldwide by Stanford-Elsevier. As a Chair Professor at HKUST and HKUST(GZ), he directs the Industrial Informatics and Intelligence Institute (Triple-I Institute) and the Quality and Data Analytics Lab (QLab). He has held prominent positions such as Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of Quality Technology (JQT), Head of the Department of Industrial Engineering and Decision Analytics, and founding acting Dean of the Information Hub at HKUST(GZ). A Fellow of esteemed organizations like ASA, ASQ, IISE, IAQ, and HKIE, he was awarded the 2025 ASQ Shewhart Medal, the highest honor in quality-related theory, methods, and practice. Prof. Tsung has an extensive publication record while mentoring numerous successful doctoral students.

Prof. Tsung holds a Ph.D. and MSc in Industrial and Operations Engineering from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, His professional experience includes working with Ford Motor Company as a Quality Engineer, Rockwell International R&D as a Research Engineer, and completing post-doctoral research at Chrysler Corporation. Throughout his career at HKUST, Prof. Tsung has built an outstanding academic record and a strong international reputation.

As an accomplished academic leader, Prof. Tsung served as Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Quality Technology (JQT) from 2016 to 2018. JQT, founded in 1969, is the flagship journal of the American Society for Quality and ranks among the most cited journals in industrial engineering, management science, and statistics. Prof. Tsung has held various leadership positions, such as Vice President of the International Academy for Quality (IAQ) in 2018, Regional Vice President (Asia) of the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE) in 2008, Founding Vice Chair in 2007 and 2009 Chair of the Service Science Section (INFORMS), and Chair of the Quality, Statistics, and Reliability (QSR) Section (INFORMS) in 2004. He is also the founding Chair of the Council of Chinese Industrial Engineering Department Heads (CIEDH) and has organized their annual forum for over a decade.

A dedicated educator, Prof. Tsung has received several teaching awards, including the 2001 "Teaching Excellence Appreciation" Award in the School of Engineering, the EEM 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 Outstanding Teaching Award, and the recognition of Excellent Teaching Performance from the Dean of Business & Management in 2017, 2018, and 2019. He has established and facilitated numerous teaching and learning initiatives, such as the Stanford-HKUST joint course on Global Manufacturing, a joint summer course on Design Thinking with the China Academy of Art (CAA), a Six Sigma Green Belt Certification Program for undergraduates and MSc students, and one of the first online blended learning courses in the department on Quality Engineering in Spring 2015. Prof. Tsung has also provided consulting services to various organizations, including Huawei, Philips LCD, ASTEC, ASAT, NXP, TPO, TechTronic Industries, Nortel Networks, China Mobile, Hayco, KinYat, New World Telecom, and the International Bank of Asia. He is the first American Society for Quality (ASQ) Certified Six Sigma Black Belt in Greater China and an ASQ Authorized Six Sigma Master Black Belt Trainer. Many of his MPhil/Ph.D. students have gone on to successful careers related to quality control research, with eight becoming professors in top universities and others working as quality and data analytics professionals in industry-leading companies.

Prof. Tsung's research achievements in Quality and Data Analytics are also noteworthy. He has received the IISE Transactions' Best Paper Award three times, in 2004, 2009, and 2018, and the Outstanding IIE Publication Award in 2010. He has acted as principal and co-principal investigator on over 20 Research Grant Council (RGC) funded research projects, and delivered over 50 invited lectures/seminars at various academic institutions and international conferences, including the World Economic Forum (WEF) Annual Meeting of the New Champions in 2014, and served in editorial positions for 14 internationally respected journals. He is an Associate Editor of Technometrics, Journal of Quality Technology (JQT), and Quality and Reliability Engineering International (QREI). Prof. Tsung has authored over 170 refereed journal publications in esteemed outlets such as Technometrics, Management Science, JQT, IISE Transactions, IEEE Transactions, Journal of the American Statistical Association (JASA), Annals of Statistics, Annals of Operations Research, and more.

Personal Interest

Chinese Philosophy for a Quality Life.


Academic Experience

Director, Industrial Informatics and Intelligence Institute, HKUST(GZ), 2023-present.

Chair Professor of DSA, HKUST(GZ), 2020-present.

Founding Acting Dean, Information Hub, HKUST(GZ), 2020-2023.

Chair Professor of IEDA, HKUST, 2019-present.

Head of Department, IELM, HKUST, 2009-2015.

Acting Head of IELM, HKUST, 2008-2009.

Full Professor of IELM, HKUST, 2008-2019.

Associate Professor of IEEM, HKUST, 2003-2008.

Visiting Scholar, Stanford University, 2005.

Assistant Professor of IEEM, HKUST, 1997-2003.

Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, U. of Michigan/Chrysler Corporation, 1997.

Industrial Experience

Industrial Training: Ford Motor Company (1995), ASTEC Electronics (1998), Philips LCD (1999), TechTronic Industries (2000), Royal Appliance (2000), Simatelex Manufactory (2000), Everlight Chemical (2001), International Bank of Asia (2002), Nortel Networks - Shunde (2003), Fook Wah Kun Kee Knitting (2003), ASAT (2004), Philips Consumer Electronics (2004), Vigor Toys (2004), New World Telecom (2005), Disney (China) (2005), China Mobile (2006), ENW (2007), NXP (previous Philips Semiconductor, 2007), ASAT (2008), Hayco (2010, 2011), KinYat (2014, 2015), Fitbit (2017).

Industrial Consulting: GKI - IBM China (1999), Tong Guang - Nortel (1999), Wong's Circuits (1999), Oriental Printed Circuits Limited (1999), TechTronic Industries (2000), Simatelex Manufactory (2000), Nortel Networks - Beijing (2001), International Bank of Asia (2002), Fook Wah Kun Kee Knitting (2003), Vigor Toys (2004), New World Telecom (2005), ENW (2007, 2008), NXP (2007, 2008), Traxon (2010).

Quality/Reliability Engineer in Powertrain Quality Office, Reliability and Robustness Dept., Ford Motor Company, 1995-96.

Research Engineer in Applied Research, Automotive Operations Division, Rockwell International, 1994.



Member, ASQ Publications Management Board (PMB), 2019 - present.

Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Quality Technology, 2016 - 2018.

Editor-Elect, Journal of Quality Technology, 2015.

Associate Editor, Technometrics, 2005 - 2020.

Department Editor, IIE Transactions, 2005 - 2018.

Editorial Review Board, Journal of Quality Technology (JQT), 2009 - present.

Editorial Board, Service Science, INFORMS, 2012 - 2014.

Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering (Taylor & Francis), 2013-2015.

Editor-in-Chief, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (Taylor & Francis), 2011 - 2012.

Editor-in-Chief, Quality Technology and Quantitative Management (QTQM), 2010 - 2011.

Associate Editor, Naval Research Logistics (NRL), 2009 - 2011.

Editorial Board, Quality and Reliability Engineering International (QREI), 2005 - present.

Guest Editor, Special Issue on Service Science, International Journal of Production Economics (IJPE), 2010.

Guest Editor, Special Volume on Service Science, the Annals of Operations Research (AOR), 2009.

Other Professional Duties and Committees

IISE Council of Fellows: Co-Chair of the International Ambassadors Committee, 2022-present.

International Academy for Quality (IAQ): Quality 4.0 Think Tank, 2021-present.

Publicity Chair, 2025 IEEE 21st International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2025), Anaheim, CA, August, 2025.

AAAI 2025 Conference Program Committee, The 39th Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-2025), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, February 2025.

Conference General Chair, 2025 12th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Applications (ICIEA 2025), Seoul, Korea, April 24-27, 2025.

International Program Committee, 30th ISSAT International Conference on Reliability & Quality in Design (RQD 2025). Honolulu, Hawaii, August 6-8, 2025.

Program Committee member (PC) for the 38th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-24), Vancouver, British Columbia, 20-27 February, 2024.

International Program Committee, the 28th/29th Anniversary ISSAT International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design (RQD 2023, RQD 2024), San Francisco, 2023/ Miami, Florida, August, 2024.

General Co-Chair, 2023 Annual International Conference for Chinese Scholars in Industrial Engineering (CSIE2023) and 13th Forum for Council of Industrial Engineering and Logistics Management Department Heads (CIEDH2023), Guangzhou, China, August 10-12, 2023.

Program Chair, 2023 5th International Conference on Big Data Engineering and Technology (BDET2023) in conjunction with 2023 International Conference on Business Analytics for Operations Excellence & Resilience (BAOER2023), Singapore, July 15-17, 2023.

Program Chair, 2022 4th International Conference on Big Data Engineering and Technology (BDET2022), Singapore, April 22-24, 2022.

Advisory Committee, IEEE 9th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Applications (ICIEA 2022), Sanya, Hainan, China, April 15-18, 2022.

Vice President (VP-Conference), International Academy for Quality (IAQ), 2018-2020.

Member of the IAQ Masing Prize Committee, IAQ, 2018-.

International Program Committee (IPC), ISSAT International Conference on Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS), Miami, Florida, August, 2020.

International Program Committee, the 26th Anniversary ISSAT International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design (RQD 2020), Miami, Florida, August, 2020.

International Program Committee, ISSAT International Conference on Data Science in Business, Finance and Industry, Da Nang, Vietnam, July, 2020.

General Co-Chair, Annual International Conference for Chinese Scholars in Industrial Engineering (CSIE2019) and the 10th Forum for the Council of Chinese Industrial Engineering and Logistics Management Department Heads (CIEDH2019), Dongbei University of Finance and Economics (DUFE), Dalian, China, September 20-22, 2019.

International Program Committee (IPC), ISSAT International Conference on Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS), Las Vegas, Nevada, August, 2019.

International Program Committee, the 25th Anniversary ISSAT International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design (RQD 2019), Las Vegas, Nevada, August, 2019.

Scientific Program Committee, ISBIS 2019 Satellite Conference, Kuala Lumpur, August, 2019.

International Program Committee, ISSAT International Conference on Data Science in Business, Finance and Industry, Da Nang, Vietnam, July, 2019.

Conference Co-Chair, the 19th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering And Management Systems (APIEMS 2018), Hong Kong, 2018 .

Program Committee, Stu Hunter Research Conference 2017, Copenhagen, Denmark, March, 2017 .

Management Committee, Stu Hunter Research Conference, 2017-2010 .

Advisory Board Member, 2017 Sino-US Research Conference on Quality, Analytics, and Innovations, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 2017.

International Program Committee, 47th International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering (CIE47), Computers & Industrial Engineering: An International Journal, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Portugal, 2017.

General Chair, the International Engineering Statistics Workshop, East China Normal University, Shanghai, 2016.

International Program Committee, 21st ISSAT International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design (RQD2015), International Society of Science and Applied Technologies, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2015.

General Co-Chair, the 4th IIE Asian Conference 2014, Xian, China, 2014.

Host/Organizer, The 1st HKUST-USC forum on 3D Printing Research and Practice, Hong Kong, 2014.

Chairman, the Evaluation Committee for the Selection Procedure for Full Professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, 2014.

International Program Committee, 20th ISSAT International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design (RQD2014), International Society of Science and Applied Technologies, Seattle, Washington, 2014.

Program Committee, The Third International Conference on the Interface between Statistics and Engineering (ICISE), Hong Kong, 2014.

Technical Program Committee, Testing and Certification Conference 2014, Jubilee College of OUHK, Hong Kong, 2014.

General Co-Chair, IIE Asian Conference 2013, Taipei, Taiwan, 2013.

Examination Committee, International Academy for Quality (IAQ), 2012-

General Co-Chair, Asian Network for Quality Congress (ANQ2012), Hong Kong, 2012.

Founding Chair, Council of Industrial Engineering Department Heads in Greater China (CIEDHC), 2011-.

President, Production and Operations Management Society - Hong Kong Chapter (POMS-HK), 2011-2013.

International Activities Committee (IAC) - Asia-Pacific regional representative, INFORMS, 2010-.

General Chair, INFORMS 2nd Service Science Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, 2010.

Host/Organizing Committee, the 4th International Lean Six Sigma Conference (ILSSC) cum the 1st Healthcare Improvement Conference (HIC), Hong Kong, 2010.

International Program Committee, International Conference on Service System and Service Management, Tokyo, Japan, 2010.

Program Committee, the Second International Conference on Service Science and Innovation (ICSSI 2010), Beijing, 2010.

Chair of the Service Science Section, INFORMS, 2009.

General Chair, INFORMS 1st International Conference on Service Science, Hong Kong, 2009.

Founding Vice President, Production and Operations Management Society - Hong Kong Chapter (POMS-HK), 2009.

Council Member, International Society for Business and Industrial Statistics (ISBIS), International Statistical Institute (ISI), 2009.

Council Member, INFORMS QSR International Leadership Council (ILC), INFORMS, 2009.

Program Scientific Committee, the 7th International Conference on Manufacturing Research (ICMR), UK, 2009.

Program Committee, The 1st International Conference on Service Science and Innovation, Taipei, Taiwan, 2009.

International Advisory Committee, International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management, Xiamen, China, 2009.

International Advisory Board, 2nd International Symposium of Quality Management, Taipei, Taiwan, 2009.

Regional Vice President of Asia, Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE), 2008 -.

Elected member of the Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE) 2008 National Leadership Council, 2008-.

Council Member, IIE Council of Industrial Engineering Academic Department Heads (CIEADH), IIE, 2008-.

Academic Committee, Center for Quality Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 2007 -.

Founding Vice Chair of the Service Science Section, INFORMS, 2007.

Cluster Chair for the Services Science Section, INFORMS Annual Conference, Seattle, 2007.

Advisor of the Chartered Institute of Transport and Logistics in Hong Kong - Young Membership Committee (CILTHK YMC), 2006 - 2008.

Board for the Selection Interview, Sir Edward Youde Memorial Scholarships and Fellowships, 2006-2007.

Program Committee, The 7th International Conference On Reliability, Maintainability and Safety, Beijing, China, 2007.

Cluster Chair, INFORMS International conference, Hong Kong, 2006.

Program Committee, First International Conference On Maintenance Engineering, Chengdu, China, 2006.

International Scientific Committee, International Conference on Global Manufacturing and Innovation, Coimbatore, India, 2006.

Cluster Chair, IFORS Triennial 2005 Conference, Hawaii, 2005.

Technical Review Committee, International Conference on Reliability and Safety Engineering, Bhubaneswar, India, 2005.

Chair of the Quality, Statistics, and Reliability (QSR) Section, INFORMS, 2004.

Board of Director, Hong Kong Society for Quality (HKSQ), 2004 -.

Program Committee, Fourth International Symposium on Business and Industrial Statistics, Cairns, Australia, 2005.

Technical Program Committee, Fourth International Conference on Quality and Reliability, Beijing, China, 2005.

Conference Scientific Committee, First International Conference on Six Sigma, Glasgow, Scotland, 2004.

Chair Elect for the Quality, Statistics, and Reliability (QSR) Section, INFORMS, 2003.

Cluster Chair for the Quality, Statistics, and Reliability (QSR) Section, INFORMS Annual Conference, Atlanta, 2003.

International Advisory Committee, 2nd International Conference on Quality, Reliability and Information Technology, New Delhi, India, 2003.

Local Organizing Committee, the Bernoulli Society East Asia and Pacific Regional (EAPR) Conference, Hong Kong, 2003.

Treasurer, Hong Kong Society for Quality (HKSQ), 2003.

Secretary/Treasurer for the Quality, Statistics, and Reliability (QSR) Section, INFORMS, 2001-2002.

Executive Committee of Institute of Industrial Engineers (Hong Kong), 2001 -.

Vice Chairman of Annual Journal Committee, IIE (HK), 2001.

Executive Committee of Hong Kong Society for Quality (HKSQ), 2001 -.

Co-Cluster Chair for the Quality, Statistics, and Reliability (QSR) Section, INFORMS Annual Conference, Salt Lake City, Spring 2000.

Council Member for the Quality, Statistics, and Reliability (QSR) Section, INFORMS, 2000.

Referee for Technometrics, Journal of Quality Technology (JQT), IIE Transactions, IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, ASME Transactions, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Naval Research Logistics, International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering, International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, Total Quality Management, Industrial Engineering Research, Statistica Sinica, Research Grant Council.

University Services

Member of the Search and Substantiation Committee of DSA, HKUST(GZ), 2023-present.

Founding Acting Dean, Information Hub, HKUST(GZ), 2020-2023.

Academic and Research Committee (ARC) of the HKUST (GZ) Branch Campus Preparatory Task Force, 2018-2020.

Member of the School of Engineering Appointments and Substantiation Committee (EASC), 2018-2020.

Engineering Research Committee (ERC), School of Engineering, 2018-2020.

Chair of the IPO Program Search and Appointments Committee, IPO Teaching Faculty Appointments Committee, Interdisciplinary Programs Office (IPO), 2019-2021.

Chair of the IPO Program Merit Salary Review Committee (MSRC), Interdisciplinary Programs Office (IPO), 2019-2021.

IPO Program Search and Appointments Committee, IPO Teaching Faculty Appointments Committee, Interdisciplinary Programs Office (IPO), 2017-2019.

Head of Department, IELM, 2009-2015.

Member, Food Kiosk (Cheng Yu Tung Building) Selection Task Group, 2015.

Panel Member, MSc in Financial Mathematics Program Review, 2014.

Chair of the Search Committee for Director of Institute in Quantitative Finance, 2011.

Member on the School of Engineering Research Awards Selection Committee.

Acting Head, IELM, 2008-2009.

President's Task Force on China Strategy, 2009.

University Task Force on Theme-based Research, 2009.

Affiliated faculty, Program Search and Appointments Committee, Dual Degree Program in Technology and Management, 2009.

Member of Sino Software Research Institute Advisory Board, 2009-2011.

School 334 and Curriculum Innovation Committee, 2009.

Master of Technology Management (MTM) Program Director, 2007.

334 Planning Committee Chair, IELM, 2007 -.

IELM Undergraduate Program Chair, 2005 -.

Chair, Teaching and Learning Process Committee, IELM..

EEM Program Executive Committee.

Coordinator, Ph.D. Qualify Exam in Applied Statistics Area.

Public Community Services

External Examiner for Statistics and Data Science Program, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, 2019.

Member of Programme Validation Panel (PVP) for the School of Data Science, City University of Hong Kong, 2018.

Visiting Team of Accreditation Exercise for the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE), 2018.

Engineering Panel Member, Research Grants Council (RGC), Hong Kong, 2013-2019.

Judge, Chair of the Judging panel (Six Sigma), Asia Quality Best Practice Award 2015.

Panel Member, Manufacturing and Industrial Discipline Advisory Panel (MI DAP), Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE), 2014-.

Logistics and Transportation Discipline Representative, Training Committee, Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE), 2014-2015.

Logistics and Transportation Discipline Representative, Education and Examinations committee, Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE), 2013-2014.

Logistics and Transportation Discipline Representative, Training Review Committee, Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE), 2012-2013.

Logistics and Transportation Discipline Advisory Panel and Founding Member, Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE), 2010-.

Visiting Team Member, HKIE Accreditation for the City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE), 2011.

Honorary Director, Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE Hong Kong), 2011-.

Honorary Member, Hong Kong Electronics & Technologies Association (HKETA), 2014-.

Academic Education Committee, China Association for Quality (CAQ), 2010-.


Honors and Activities


2025 Shewhart Medal by the American Society for Quality (ASQ).
- the Shewhart Medal, first awarded in 1948, is recognized as the most prestigious honor for individuals working in quality-related theory, methods, and practice. It is named after Walter A. Shewhart, the father of statistical quality control, and celebrates individuals who have demonstrated outstanding technical contributions and leadership in the field of modern quality control and improvement.

Keynote Speaker, The 16th International Conference on Reliability, Maintainability, and Safety (ICRMS 2025) Shanghai, July 27-30, 2025.


Top 2% of Most Influential Scientists Globally by the Stanford-Elsevier Mendeley Data 2024.

Senior Member, INFORMS, 2024.

Keynote Speaker, 2nd Workshop on Vision-based Industrial Inspection (VISION), European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV 2024), Milan, Italy, September 29-October 4, 2024.

Keynote Speaker, 2024 INFORMS Conference on Service Science (ICSS)/ 2024 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations, Logistics, and Informatics (SOLI), Macau, China, June 22-24, 2024.

Keynote Speaker, IP Conference 2024, Pre-Conference Workshop, CUHK Law School, Hong Kong, July 25-26, 2024.

2024 CSAMSE Practice Award, the Second Place, "Crucial Variable Identification for the Quality Improvement of Ceramic Firing Process: Algorithms and Applications", the Sixteenth International Conference of the Chinese Scholars Association for Management Science and Engineering (CSAMSE), Xiamen, China, July, 2024.

ICQSR Best Paper Award Competition Finalist, "MFRL-BI: Design of a Model-free Reinforcement Learning Process Control Scheme by Using Bayesian Inference", 2nd INFORMS Conference on Quality, Statistics and Reliability, Milan and Lake Como, June, 2024.


Top 2% of Most Influential Scientists Globally by the Stanford-Elsevier Mendeley Data 2023.

Guest Professor, the Creative Design Manufacturing Collaborative Innovation Center, China Academy of Arts, 2023-2025.

Distinguished Professor, School of Statistics and Management, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (SUFE), 2023-2025.

Keynote Speaker and International Advisory Committee, 2023 6th International Conference on Computers in Management and Business (ICCMB2023), Macau, China, January 13-15, 2023.

Keynote Speaker, 2023 NSFC-RGC Conference on Industrial Big Data and Intelligent Systems, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, April 28 to May 1, 2023.

Keynote Speaker, 2023 IEEE the 8th International Conference on Big Data Analytics (ICBDA2023), Harbin, China, March 3-5, 2023.

Keynote Speaker, 11th International Workshop on Quality & Reliability Science and Technology (QRST2023), Beijing, China, July 23 to 24, 2023.

QCRE Best Track Paper Competition Finalist Award, "Graph-aware Tensor Topic Models for Individualized Passenger Travel Pattern Clustering", IISE Annual Conference, New Orlean, May, 2023.


Fellow, Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Society (APIEMS), 2022.

Keynote speech, 2022 Spring Conference & International Symposium on Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering (KSIE), Jeju, Korea, June 2022.

Plenary speaker, 2022 INFORMS Conference on Service Science (ICSS 2022), Shenzhen, China, July 2022.

IISE Council of Fellows: Committee on International Ambassadors, 2022-.

Senior Member, IEEE, 2022.


Recipient of the Runner-Up in the Theoretical Best Paper Competition, 16th INFORMS Data Mining & Decision Analytics Workshop, Anaheim, California, October, 2021.

International Academy for Quality (IAQ): Quality 4.0 Think Tank, 2021-.


Recipient of the IEEE CASE 2020 Best Conference Paper Award.


Recognition of Excellent Teaching Performance from the Dean of Business & Management in 2017, 2018, and 2019 respectively.

Recipient of the EEM Outstanding Teaching Award in 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 respectively.

Recipient of the Honorable Mention of Best Application Paper in the 2019 IISE Transactions Focus Issue on Quality and Reliability Engineering.


Recipient of the 2018 Best Application Paper Award in the IISE Transactions Focus Issue on Quality and Reliability Engineering, 2018.

Fellow, Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE), 2018.

Distinguished Professor, School of Statistics and Management, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (SUFE), 2018.

EEM 2017-2018 Outstanding Teaching Award, 2018.

Plenary Speech, 11th China R Conference (Guangzhou), Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China, November, 2018.


Fellow, American Statistical Association (ASA), 2017.

Plenary Speech, Stu Hunter Research Conference 2017, Copenhagen, Denmark, March, 2017 .

Keynote Speech, 10th China R Conference, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, May, 2017.


Keynote Speech, International Conference of Computers and Industrial Engineering (CIE 46), Tianjin, China, October, 2016.

Keynote Speech, One Belt One Road Quality Summit, Quality Science and Technology Institute of Western China, Xian, China, November, 2016.

Keynote Speech, China Quality Club Annual Conference, China Quality Club, Shanghai, November, 2016.

Keynote Speech, the 17th Asian Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference (APIEMS 2016), the National Taiwan University of Science & Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, December 2016.

Keynote Speech, 2016 Quality Innovation Forum, Shanghai University, Shanghai, December, 2016.

Invited Speech on Quality and Innovation, International Forum on Business vs. Arts, China Academy of Arts, Hangzhou, China, December, 2016.


Keynote Speech, 16th Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis International Conference (ASMDA), Piraeus, Greece, July, 2015.

Host of the International Conference on Systematic Innovation (ICSI2015), Hong Kong, July, 2015.

Keynote Speech, 6th Forum for the Chinese Industrial Engineering Department Heads (CIEDH 2015), Tianjin, China, July, 2015.

Keynote Speech, 14th Korea-China Quality Symposium, Jeju, Korea, August, 2015.

Keynote Speech, Korean Statistical Society Fall Conference, Yongin, Korea, November, 2015.


Invited Speaker/ Discussion Leader on Tapping into the power of 3D printing, World Economic Forum (WEF) Annual Meeting of the New Champions 2014, Tianjin, September, 2014.

Panelist, The 1st HKUST-USC forum on 3D Printing Research and Practice, Hong Kong, January, 2014.

Keynote Speech, the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Chinese Industrial Engineering Institute, Zhuhai, November, 2014.


Keynote Speech, 13th Annual Conference of the European Network for Business and Industrial Statistics (ENBIS), Ankara, Turkey, September, 2013.

Guest Professor, Shanghai University, 2013-2016.


Keynote Speech, the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Chinese Industrial Engineering Institute, Changsha, October, 2012.

Summer School, East China Normal University, 2012 July (~100 participants).

Keynote Speech, International Asia Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Innovation, Chinese Industrial Engineering Institute, Beijing, August 2012.

Technometrics Invited Paper Presentation, INFORMS Annual Conference, Phoenix, Arizona, October, 2012.

Journal of Quality Technology (JQT) Invited Paper Presentation, INFORMS Annual Conference, Phoenix, Arizona, October, 2012.

Feature Article in IIE Magazine, 2012.


Academician, International Academy for Quality (IAQ), 2011.

Guest Professor, Tianjin University, 2010-2012.

Keynote Speech, IEEE Conference on Quality and Reliability, Bangkok, Thailand, September, 2011.

Feature Article in IIE Magazine, 2012.


Fellow, Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE), 2010.

Recipient of the 2009 Best Paper Award for the IIE Transactions.

Recipient of the Outstanding IIE Publication Award - this award recognizes an outstanding publication in any IIE-sponsored or co-sponsored medium.

Keynote Speech, Annual Conference of Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE 2010), Tainan, Taiwan, December, 2010.

Keynote Speech, the 17th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Chinese Industrial Engineering Institute, CMES, Xiamen, October, 2010.

Keynote Speech, 7th National Six Sigma Conference, CAQ, Shenzhen, April, 2010.

Invited Talk, Hong Kong Electronics & Technologies Association (HKETA) Networking Dinner, 2010.


Fellow, American Society for Quality (ASQ), 2009.

Fellow, the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE), 2009.

Recipient of the 2009 Best Paper Award for the IIE Transactions, IIE.

The paper by Xiang and Tsung, IIE Transactions, 40, 957-970, 2008, has been highlighted by Taylor & Francis as one of the most-cited articles in IIE Transactions from 2006-2008.

Keynote Speech, The First Asian Doctoral Innovation Forum (ADIF2009), Hangzhou, November, 2009.

Keynote Speech, IIE Annual Dinner, IIE Hong Kong Chapter, Hong Kong, April, 2009.

Invited Talk, School of Business, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, October, 2009.

Invited Talk, Dept. of Industrial Engineering, Xian Jiaotong University, Xian, September, 2009.

Invited Talk, Dept. of Industrial Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, September, 2009.

Invited Talk, Dept. of Industrial Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, April, 2009.

Invited Talk, Center for Quality Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Beijing, April, 2009.

Invited Talk, Dept. of Industrial Engineering and Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, March, 2009.


Technometrics Invited Paper Presentation, INFORMS Annual Conference, Washington DC, October 2008.

Invited Talk on "Statistical quality techniques for nanomanufacturing," HKUST Nanotechnology Workshop, HKUST, Hong Kong, January 2008.


Journal of Quality Technology (JQT) Invited Paper Presentation, INFORMS Annual Conference, Seattle, November 2007.

Technometrics Invited Paper Presentation, ASQ Fall Technical Conference, Jacksonville, FL, October 2007.

Invited Talk, IXth International Workshop on Intelligent Statistical Quality Control, Beijing, September 2007.

Summer School on "Quality Science," Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, July-August 2007.

Invited Talk, International Conference on Multiple Decision Theory, Statistical Inference and Applications (in Honor of Deng-Yuan Huang), Taiepi, Dec 2007.

Invited Talk, 2007 Taipei International Statistical Symposium and ICSA International Conference, the Institute of Statistical Science, Academia Sinica, Taipei, June 2007.

Invited Talk on "Service Six Sigma," Hong Kong Six Sigma Forum, the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) Hong Kong, April 2007.


Elected Member of the International Statistical Institute (ISI), 2006 (note: Established in 1885, ISI is one of the oldest scientific associations operating in the world. The ISI is composed of elected members who are internationally recognised as the definitive leaders in the field of statistics.).

IIE Transactions Invited Paper Presentation, INFORMS Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, 2006.

Invited Talk, Dept. of Industrial Engineering, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai, 2006.


Invited Talk, School of ISE, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, 2005.

Invited Talk, Dept. of IEOR, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, 2005.

Invited Talk, Dept. of Statistics, Stanford University, Palo Alto, 2005.

Invited Talk, Dept. of MSE, Stanford University, Palo Alto, 2005.

Invited Talk, Dept. of IOE, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 2005.

Invited Talk, Dept. of IE, University of Washington, Seattle, 2005.

Invited Talk, Dept. of Industrial Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 2005.


Recipient of the Best Paper Award for the IIE Transactions focus issues on Quality and Reliability.

ASQ Authorized Six Sigma Master Black Belt Trainer, American Society for Quality, 2004.

Journal of Quality Technology (JQT) Invited Paper Presentation, INFORMS Annual Conference, Denver, 2004.

Invited Talk, HKQAA Symposium 2004, Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency, 2004.

Invited Talk, Workshop on Sequential Analysis, Time Series and Related Topics, Academia Sinica, Taipei, 2004.

Invited Talk, International Symposium on Statistical Applications in Business, Guanghua School of Management, Peking University, Beijing, 2004.


Chairman and Invited Speaker, Six Sigma Breakthrough Strategies Asia Pacific, Marcus Evans, Kuala Lumpur, 2003.

Invited Talk, National Conference on Six Sigma Breakthrough, FIK International, Shanghai, 2003.

Invited Talk, Young Manufacturing and Industrial Engineers Career Development Program in Pearl River Delta, Hong Kong, 2003.

Invited Talk, CLP Power Business Performance Excellence Seminar, Hong Kong, 2003.

Invited talk, Manufacturing Focus Briefing, SAS, Hong Kong, 2003.

Invited Talk, Institute of Statistical Science, Academia Sinica, Taipei, 2003.

Invited Talk, Institute of Statistics, National Tsinghua University, Hsinchu, 2003.


Technometrics Invited Paper Presentation, Fall Technical Conference, Valley Forge, 2002.

Invited Talk, Spring Research Conference on Statistics in Industry and Technology, Ann Arbor, 2002.

Invited Talk, International Statistical Symposium, Academia Sinica, Taipei, 2002.

Chairman and Invited Speaker, IQPC Conference on Service Six Sigma, Hong Kong, 2002.

Invited keynote speech to the Young Engineer Program (YEP! 2000), Hong Kong Institute of Engineers (HKIE) Manufacturing & Industrial Engineering (MIE) Division, 2002.


ASQ Certified Six Sigma Black Belt, American Society for Quality, 2001.

Chairman and Invited Speaker, IQPC Conference on Best Practice in Six Sigma, Hong Kong, 2001.

Session Organizer, Process Monitoring and Adjustment, Joint Statistical Meetings, Atlanta, 2001.

Invited Talk, School of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2001.

Invited Talk, Krannert Graduate School of Management, Purdue University, 2001.

Invited Talk, Dept. of Industrial Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 2001.

Invited Talk, Dept. of Applied Math, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, 2001


Session Chair, Statistical Quality Control with Complex-Structured Data and Processes, INFORMS Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Fall 2000.

Session Chair, IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology, Singapore, Fall 2000.

Session Chair, The 5th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering - Theory, Applications and Practice, Taiwan, Fall 2000.

Invited Talk, Dept. of Industrial Engineering, Arizona State University, 2000.

Invited Talk, The US - East Asia Workshop on Engineering Systems and Applications, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 2000.


Invited Talk, Dept. of Industrial Engineering, Texas A&M University, 1999.

Invited Talk, Dept. of Statistics, Iowa State University, 1999.

Session Chair on In-Process Quality Improvement Methodologies, ORSA/TIMS and INFORMS/CORS Joint Meeting, Montreal, 1998.

Session Chair on Statistical Quality Improvement Methodologies, First World Congress on Ergonomics for Global Quality and Productivity, Hong Kong, 1998.

Recipient of WuMRC "Thinker" Award, 1997.

Invited Talk, Dept. of Industrial Engineering and Management, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan, 1997.

Invited Talk, Dept. of Industrial Engineering, National Tsinghua University, Taiwan, 1997.

Recipient of Rockwell Automotive Manufacturing Fellowship, 1994.

Certified Quality Engineer-In Training by American Society for Quality (ASQ), 1993.

Senior Member of Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE) and American Society for Quality (ASQ).

Member of Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS), American Statistical Association (ASA), and ASQ Six Sigma Forum.


Research Grants

National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC No. 72371217) 2024-2027, Time Series Anomaly Monitoring and Diagnosis Based on Deep Learning in Industrial Scenarios (PI).

Guangzhou Municipal Science and Technology Bureau/ Guangzhou Key Lab program (No. 2024A03J0628) 2024-2025, Industrial Informatics and Intelligence Institute/ Industrial Big Data Analytics (PI).

Nansha Key Area Science and Technology project (No. 2023ZD003) 2023-2026, Research and Industrialization of FPC Board Quality Inspection System Based on Industrial Intelligence (Co-PI).

National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), 2020-2024, Quality Engineering Theory and Method through Product Life Cycle (Co-I).

RGC General Research Fund 2019-2022, Profile Monitoring and Diagnosis using Statistical Transfer Learning Techniques (PI).

Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF), 2019-2020, A Big Data Trial Scheme for Smart Transportation Crowd Monitoring (PI/PM).

Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF), 2019-2020, Service Quality Big Data Platform Integrating Customer Satisfaction Index and Online Text Mining (PI/PM).

RDC Grant from Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd., 2018-2019, Terminal Module Zero Return Exploration Research Technology (PI).

RGC General Research Fund 2018-2021, Statistical Transfer Learning with Applications to Quality Control and Monitoring (PI).

RGC General Research Fund 2017-2020, Statistical Learning, Prediction and Monitoring Methods for Urban Rail Transit Systems (PI).

Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF), 2016-2018, Big Data Platform for Smart Transportation Applications with Heterogeneous Data Sources, (Deputy Project Coordinator, Co-I).

National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), 2016-2021, Intelligent Product Quality Control and Management based on Internet of Things, (Co-I, joint project with Shanghai Jiaotong University).

RGC Competitive Earmarked Research Grant 2014-2016, Statistical Monitoring and Diagnosis for Large-Scale and Complex Data (PI).

National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), 2014, Food safety control strategy based on the quality chain collaboration, (Co-I, joint project with Nanjing University of Finance and Economics).

RGC Competitive Earmarked Research Grant 2013-2015, Statistical Quality Control in a Service Environment (PI).

National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), 2013, Statistical Process Control with multivariate categorical data (Co-I, joint project with Shanghai Jiaotong University).

RGC Competitive Earmarked Research Grant 2010-2013, High Dimensional Statistical Monitoring and Surveillance Using Variable Selection Techniques (PI).

Research Project Competition (RPC) Award 2010-2012, Towards Quality Healthcare Operations Management Systems: From Effective Surveillance to Emergency Response, (PI).

RGC Competitive Earmarked Research Grant 2008-2010, Bayesian process control for nanomanufacturing with mixed-resolution information (PI).

National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), 2008, Statistical Process Control with multiple resolution data (Co-I, joint project with Tsinghua Univ. in Beijing).

National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), 2007, Near Zero-Detect Process Control and Diagnosis (Co-I, joint project with Tsinghua Univ. in Beijing).

RGC Competitive Earmarked Research Grant 2007-2010, Fraud Detection in a Dynamic Environment Using Statistical Process Control Techniques (PI).

Research Project Competition (RPC) Award 2007-2009, Statistical Quality Techniques for Nano Manufacturing (PI).

RDC Grant from NXP (previous Philips Semmiconductor) 2007, Statistical Tools for Quality Improvement (PI).

RDC Grant from ENW 2007, Six Sigma Green Belt Training and Implementation (PI).

RGC Competitive Earmarked Research Grant 2006-2008, Dynamic-Based Statistical Process Control Methodologies for Multivariate and Time-Varying Environments (PI).

RGC Competitive Earmarked Research Grant 2005-2007, A New Venture to Expand Response Surface Methodology for Engineering Process Control (PI).

RDC Grant from New World Telecommunications Limited 2005, Six Sigma Green Belt Training and Implementation (PI).

RGC Competitive Earmarked Research Grant 2004-2006, A Multi-Chart for Monitoring and Diagnosing Multivariate Characteristics and Profiles (PI).

RGC Competitive Earmarked Research Grant 2004-2006, Statistical Process Control for High-Yield Processes (Co-PI).

RDC Grant from Philips Electronics China Group 2004-2006, External Customer Satisfaction on Product Delivery Service (PI).

RGC Competitive Earmarked Research Grant 2003-2005, A Unified Methodology for Quality Improvement in Service Industry Through Integration of QFD and SEM (PI).

RGC Competitive Earmarked Research Grant 2003-2005, Maintenance Models Involving Minor and Major Maintenance (Co-PI).

RGC Competitive Earmarked Research Grant 2001-2003, Multistage Information Sharing for Statistical Process Control (PI).

RGC Competitive Earmarked Research Grant 2000-2002, Quality Control for a Multistage Process Combining SPC and APC (PI).

RGC Competitive Earmarked Research Grant 1998-2000, Quality Improvement for Correlated Processes and Feedback-Controlled Processes Using SPC (PI).

RGC Competitive Earmarked Research Grant 1998-2000, New Process Capability Index for Multivariate Manufacturing Processes in Concurrent Engineering Design Practice (Co-PI).

RGC-NSFC Joint Research Grant 2000-2003, Construction and Control of Virtual Manufacturing Organizations (Co-PI).

Occupational Safety and Health Research Grant 2002-2003, Six Sigma for Reducing Fall Hazards to Workers on top of Cargo Containers (Co-PI).

PROCORE-France/Hong Kong Joint Research Scheme 2001-2002, Integrating Statistical and Automatic Process Control Approaches for Non-Normal Quality Control Situations (PI).

RGC Direct Allocation Grant 2002-2003, A Unified Methodology for Quality Improvement in Service Industry (PI).

RGC Direct Allocation Grant 1999-2000, Quality Improvement Through Multistage Information Sharing (PI).

RGC Direct Allocation Grant 1998-99, Multivariate SPC Techniques for Automatic-Controlled Process Quality Improvement (PI).

RGC Direct Allocation Grant 1998-99, Process Capability for Registration Control of Multi-layer Printed Circuit Board Inner Layer Processes (Co-PI).

Invention Patterns

1. A Method for Detecting Quality Anomalies in Ceramic Production Lines with Multiple Formulations, Invention Patterns No. 202310761117.0, 2023

2. A Time Series Anomaly Detection Method Based on Multivariate Temporal Relationship Learning, Invention Patterns No. 202310761069.5, 2023

3. A Novel Framework for Circuit Board Defect Detection Based on Pattern Compensation Depth and Temporal Correlation, Invention Patterns, in process, 2025



Refereed Journals

1. Tsung, F., Wu, H. and Nair, V.N., "On Efficiency and Robustness of Discrete Proportional-Integral Control Schemes," Technometrics, 40, 214-222, 1998.

2. Tsung, F., Shi, J. and Wu, C.F.J., "Joint Monitoring of PID Controlled Processes," Journal of Quality Technology, 31, 275-285, 1999.

3. Tsung, F. and Shi, J., "Integrated Design of Run-to-Run PID Controller and SPC Monitoring for Process Disturbance Rejection," IIE Transactions, 31, 517-527, 1999.

4. Tsung, F., "Improving Automatic-Controlled Process Quality Using Adaptive Principal Component Monitoring," Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 15, 135-144, 1999

5. Tsung, F., "On Three-Term Adjustment Schemes for Statistical Process Control," International Journal of Industrial Engineering, 6, 161-170, 1999.

6. Tsung, F., "Statistical Monitoring and Diagnosis of Automatic Controlled Processes Using Dynamic PCA," International Journal of Production Research, 38, 625-637, 2000.

7. Tsung, F., "Impact of Information Sharing on Statistical Quality Control," IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 30, 211-216, 2000.

8. Tsung, F., "On Quality Applications and Innovation Techniques, " Industrial Engineering Research, 2, 1-4, 2000.

9. Tsung, F., "A Note on Statistical Monitoring of Engineering Controlled Processes," International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering, 8, 1-14, 2001.

10. Apley, D.W. and Tsung, F., "The Autoregressive T-squared Chart for Monitoring Univariate Autocorrelated Processes," Journal of Quality Technology, 34, 80-96, 2002.

11. Tsung, F. and Apley, D.W., " The Dynamic T-squared Chart for Monitoring Feedback-Controlled Processes," IIE Transactions, 34, 1043-1054, 2002.

12. Jiang, W., Wu, H., Tsung, F., Nair, V.N. and Tsui, K.-L., " PID Charts for Process Monitoring," Technometrics, 44, 205-214, 2002.

13. Shu, L., Apley, D.W. and Tsung, F., " Autocorrelated Process Monitoring Using Triggered Cuscore Charts," Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 18, 411-421, 2002.

14. Shi, D. and Tsung, F., " Modeling and Diagnosis of Feedback-Controlled Processes Using Dynamic PCA and Neural Networks," International Journal of Production Research, 41, 365-380, 2003.

15. Linn, R., Au, E. and Tsung, F., " Process Capability Improvement for Multistage Processes," Quality Engineering, 15, 281-292, 2003.

16. Shu, L. and Tsung, F., " On Multistage Statistical Process Control," Journal of Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, 20, 1-8, 2003.

17. Tsung, F. and Tsui, K.-L., "A Mean Shift Pattern Study on Integration of SPC and APC for Process Monitoring," IIE Transactions, 35, 231-242, 2003.

18. Sun, R. and Tsung, F., " A Kernel-Distance-Based Multivariate Control Chart using Support Vector Methods," International Journal of Production Research, 41, 2975-2989, 2003.

19. Tseng, S.-T., Yeh, A. B., Tsung, F., and Chan Y.-Y., " A Study of Variable EWMA Controller," IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 16, 633-643, 2003.

20. Han, D. and Tsung, F., " A Generalized EWMA Control Chart and Its Comparison with the Optimal EWMA, CUSUM and GLR Schemes," The Annals of Statistics, 32, 316-339, 2004.

21. Shu, L., Tsung, F., and Kapur, K., " Design of Multiple Cause-Selecting Charts for Multistage Processes with Model Uncertainty," Quality Engineering, 16, 437-450, 2004.

22. Tong, J., Tsung, F., and Yen, B., " A DMAIC Approach for Printed Circuit Board Quality Improvement," International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 23, 523-531, 2004.

23. Shi, D., Tsung, F., and Unsworth, P., " Adaptive Time-Frequency Decomposition for Transient Vibration Monitoring of Rotating Machinery," Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 18, 127-141, 2004.

24. Sun, R. and Tsung, F., " Change Pattern Discovery in Multistage Statistical Process Control," International Journal of Industrial Engineering, 11, 261-272, 2004.

25. Sun, R., Tsung, F., and Qu, L., " Combining bootstrap and genetic programming for feature discovery in diesel engine diagnosis," International Journal of Industrial Engineering, 11, 273-281, 2004.

26. Shu, L., Tsung, F., and Tsui, K.-L., " Run-Length Performance of Regression Control Charts with Estimated Parameters," Journal of Quality Technology, 36, 280-292, 2004.

27. Lee, N., An, Y, and Tsung, F., " Studying Effects of Screw-Fastening Process On Assembly Accuracy ," International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 25, 493-499, 2005.

28. Castagliola, P. and Tsung, F., " Autocorrelated Statistical Process Control for Non-Normal Situations," Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 21, 131-161, 2005.

29. Shu, L., Tsung, F., and Tsui, K.-L., " Effects of Estimation Errors on Cause-Selecting Charts," IIE Transactions, 37, 559-567, 2005.

30. Liu, H., Tsui, K.-L., and Tsung, F., " A Nearly Optimal Order Policy to Reduce Bullwhip Effect ," Quality Technology and Quantitative Management, 2, 91-108, 2005.

31. Ng, T.Y., Tsung, F., So, R.H.Y., Li, T.S., and Lam, K.Y., " Six Sigma approach to reducing fall hazards among cargo handlers working on top of cargo containers: a case study ," International Journal of Six Sigma and Competitive Advantage, 1, 188-209, 2005.

32. Tong, J., Duffy, V., Cross, G., Tsung, F., and Yen, B., " Evaluating the industrial ergonomics of service quality for online recruitment websites ," International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 35, 697-711, 2005.

33. Han, D. and Tsung, F., " Comparison of the Cuscore, GLRT and CUSUM Control Charts for Detecting a Dynamic Mean Change," The Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 57, 531-552, 2005.

34. Wang, K. and Tsung, F., " Using Profile Monitoring Techniques for a Data-rich Environment with Huge Sample Size," Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 21, 677-688, 2005.

35. Zhao, Y., Tsung, F., and Wang, Z., " Dual CUSUM Control Schemes for Detecting a Range of Mean Shifts," IIE Transactions, 37, 1047-1057, 2005.

36. Tsung, F., Zhao, Y., Xiang, L., and Jiang, W., " Improved Design of Proportional Integral Derivative Charts ," Journal of Quality Technology, 38, 31-44, 2006.

37. Linn, R., Tsung, F., and Lau E., " Supplier Selection Based on Process Capability and Price Analysis ," Quality Engineering, 18, 123-126, 2006.

38. Han, D. and Tsung, F., " A Reference-Free Cuscore Chart for Dynamic Mean Change Detection and a Unified Framework for Charting Performance Comparison ," Journal of the American Statistical Association, 101, 368-386, 2006.

39. Runger, G., Testik, M.C., Tsung, F., " Relationships Among Control Charts Used with Feedback Control ," Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 22, 877-888, 2006.

40. Jiang, W., Shu, L., and Tsung, F., " A Comparative Study of Joint Monitoring Schemes for APC Processes ," Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 22, 939-952, 2006.

41. Zhu, K., Zhang, R. and Tsung, F., " Pushing Quality Improvement along Supply Chains ," Management Science, 53, 421-436, 2007.

42. Tseng, S.T., Tsung F., and Liu, P.Y., " Variable EWMA Run-to-Run Controller for a Drifted Process ," IIE Transactions, 39, 291-301, 2007.

43. Tsung, F., Zhou, Z.H., and Jiang, W., " Applying Manufacturing Batch Techniques to Fraud Detection with Incomplete Customer Information ," IIE Transactions, 39, 671-680, 2007.

44. Han, D. and Tsung, F., " Detection and Diagnosis of Unknown Abrupt Changes using CUSUM Multi-Chart Schemes ," Sequential Analysis, 26, 225-249, 2007.

45. Han D., Tsung, F., and Li Y., " A CUSUM Chart With Local Signal Amplification For Detecting A Range of Unknown Shifts ," International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering, 14, 81-97, 2007.

46. Han, D., Tsung, F., Hu, X., and Wang, K., " CUSUM and EWMA Multi-Charts for Detecting a Range of Mean Shifts ," Statistica Sinica, 17, 1139-1164, 2007.

47. Sun, R., Tsung, F., and Qu, L., " Evolving Kernel Principal Component Analysis for Fault Diagnosis ," Computers and Industrial Engineering, 53, 361-371, 2007.

48. Wang, K. and Tsung, F., " Monitoring Feedback-Controlled Processes Using Adaptive T2 Schemes ," International Journal of Production Research, 45, 5601-5619, 2007.

49. Wang, K. and Tsung, F., " Run-to-run Process Adjustment Using Categorical Observations ," Journal of Quality Technology, 39, 312-325, 2007.

50. Zou, C., Tsung, F., and Wang, Z., " Monitoring General Linear Profiles Using Multivariate EWMA schemes ," Technometrics, 49, 395-408, 2007.

51. Zou, C., Wang, Z., and Tsung, F., " A Self-Starting Control Chart for Linear Profiles ," Journal of Quality Technology, 39, 364-375, 2007.

52. Wang, K. and Tsung, F., " An Adaptive T2 chart for Monitoring Dynamic Systems ," Journal of Quality Technology, 40, 109-123, 2008.

53. Zou, C., Wang, Z. and Tsung, F. " Monitoring an Autocorrelated Processes Using Variable Sampling Schemes at Fixed-Times ," Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 28, 55-69, 2008.

54. Zou, C., Tsung, F., and Liu, Y., " A Change Point Approach for Phase I Analysis in Multistage Processes ," Technometrics, 50, 344-356, 2008.

55. Xiang, L. and Tsung, F., " Statistical Monitoring of Multistage Processes Based on Engineering Models ," IIE Transactions, 40, 957-970, 2008.

56. Zou, C. and Tsung, F., " Directional MEWMA Schemes for Multistage Process Monitoring and Diagnosis ," Journal of Quality Technology, 40, 407-427, 2008.

57. Tsung, F., Li, Y., and Jin, M., " Statistical Process Control for Multistage Manufacturing and Service Operations: A Review and Some Extensions ," International Journal of Services Operations and Informatics, 3, 191-204, 2008.

58. Shang, Y., Wang, K. and Tsung, F., " An improved run-to-run process control scheme for categorical observations with misclassification errors ," Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 25, 397-407, 2008.

59. Li, Y., Pu, X., and Tsung, F., " Adaptive Charting Schemes Based On Double Sequential Probability Ratio Tests ," Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 25, 21-39, 2009.

60. Jin, M. and Tsung, F., " Smith-EWMA Run-to-Run Control Schemes for a Process with Measurement Delay ," IIE Transactions, 41, 346-358, 2009.

61. Han, D. and Tsung, F., " Optimal Stopping Time for Detecting Changes in Discrete Time Markov Processes ," Sequential Analysis, 28, 115-135, 2009.

62. Zou, C., Tsung, F., and Wang, Z., " Monitoring Profiles Based on Nonparametric Regression Methods ," Technometrics, 50, 512-526, 2009.

63. Wang, K. and Tsung, F., " An Adaptive Dimension Reduction Scheme for Monitoring Feedback-Controlled Processes ," Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 25, 283-298, 2009.

64. Li, Y. and Tsung, F., " False Discovery Rate-Adjusted Charting Schemes For Multistage Process Fault Diagnosis and Isolation ," Technometrics, 51, 186-205, 2009.

65. Wang, H. and Tsung, F., " Tolerance Intervals with Improved Confidence Levels for Binomial and Poisson Variables ," Technometrics, 51, 25-33, 2009.

66. Jin, M. and Tsung, F., " A Chart Allocation Strategy for Multistage Processes ," IIE Transactions, 41, 790-803, 2009.

67. Han, D. and Tsung, F., " Run Length Properties of the CUSUM and EWMA Control Schemes for Stationary Autocorrelated Processes ," Statistical Sinica, 19, 473-490, 2009.

68. Wang, K. and Tsung, F., " Recursive parameter estimation for categorical process control ," International Journal of Production Research, 48, 1381-1394, 2010.

69. Sukchotrat, T., Kim, S. B. and Tsung, F., " One-class classification-based control charts for multivariate process monitoring ," IIE Transactions, 42, 107-120, 2010.

70. Han, D. and Tsung, F., " Detection of Changes in a Random Financial Sequence with a Stable Distribution ," Journal of Applied Statistics, 37, 1089-1111, 2010.

71. Han, D., Tsung, F., Li, Y. and Wang, K., " A Nonlinear Filter Control Chart for Detecting Dynamic Changes ," Statistical Sinica, 20, 1077-1096, 2010.

72. Jin, M., Li, Y. and Tsung, F., " Chart Allocation strategy for Serial-Parallel Multistage Manufacturing Processes ," IIE Transactions, 42, 577-588, 2010.

73, Tsung, F., Discussion on " Nonparametric Profile Monitoring By Mixed Effects Modeling by Qiu, Zou and Wang ," Technometrics, 52, 283-285, 2010.

74, Zou, C. and Tsung, F., " Likelihood Ratio Based Distribution-Free EWMA Control Charts ," Journal of Quality Technology, 42, 174-196, 2010.

75, Li, Y. and Tsung, F., " Detecting and Diagnosing Covariance Matrix Changes in Multistage Processes ," IIE Transactions, 43, 259-274, 2011.

76. Zou, C. and Tsung, F., " Multivariate Sign EWMA Control Chart ," Technometrics, 53, 84-97, 2011.

77. Lee, S.P., Chao, A.G., Tsung, F., Wong, D.S.H., Tseng, S.T., and Jang, S.S., " Monitoring Batch Processes with Multiple On-Off Steps in Semiconductor Manufacturing ," Journal of Quality Technology, 43, 142-157, 2011.

78. Shang, Y., Tsung, F., and Zou, C., " Profile Monitoring with Binary Data and Random Predictors ," Journal of Quality Technology, 43, 196-208, 2011.

79. Zou, C., Jiang, W., and Tsung, F., " LASSO-Based Diagnostic Framework for Multivariate Statistical Process Control ," Technometrics, 53, 297-309, 2011.

80, Zou, C., Ning, X., and Tsung, F., " LASSO-Based Multivariate Linear Profile Monitoring ," Annals of Operations Research, 192 (1), 3-19, 2012.

81. Ning, X. and Tsung, F., " A Density-based Statistical Process Control Scheme for High-dimensional and Mixed-type Observations ," IIE Transactions, 44, 301-311, 2012.

82. Ou, Y. J., Wu, Z. and Tsung, F., " Comparison Study of Effectiveness and Robustness of Control Charts for Monitoring Process Mean," International Journal of Production Economics, 135, 479-490, 2012.

83. Li, Y. and Tsung, F., " Multiple Attribute Control Charts with False Discovery Rate Control," Quality and Reliability Engineering International, online first, 2012.

84. Zou, C., Wang, Z., and Tsung, F., " A Spatial Rank-based Multivariate EWMA Control Chart," Naval Research Logistics, 59, 91-110, 2012.

85. Fan, S.-K., Lo, L.-C., Chang, Y.-J., Lin, C.-J., and Tsung, F. " Prediction of time-varying metrology delay for dEWMA and RLS-LT controllers, " Journal of Process Control, 22, 823-828, 2012.

86. Zi, X., Zou, C., and Tsung, F. " A Distribution-Free, Robust Method for Monitoring Linear Profiles Using Rank-Based Regression, " IIE Transactions, 44, 949-963, 2012.

87. Li, J., Tsung, F., and Zou, C., " Directional Control Schemes for Multivariate Categorical Processes," Journal of Quality Technology, 44, 136-154, 2012.

88. Wang, K., Jiang, W., and Tsung, F., " A Variable-Selection-based Multivariate EWMA Chart for Process Monitoring and Diagnosis," Journal of Quality Technology, 44, 209-230, 2012.

89. Ning, X. and Tsung, F., " Improved Design of Kernel-distance-based Charts using Support Vector Methods ," IIE Transactions, 45, 464-476, 2013.

90. Li, J., Tsung, F., and Zou, C., " Directional Change-Point Detection for Process Control with Multivariate Categorical Data ," Naval Research Logistics, 60, 160-173, 2013.

91. Shang, Y., Tsung, F., and Zou, C., " Statistical Process Control for Multistage Processes with Binary Outputs ," IIE Transactions, 45, 1008-1023, 2013.

92. Shen, X., Zou, C., Jiang, W., and Tsung, F., " Monitoring Poisson Count Data with Probability Control Limits when Sample Sizes are Time-Varying ," Naval Research Logistics, 60, 625-636, 2013.

93. Li, J., Tsung, F., and Zou, C., " Multivariate Binomial/Multinomial Control Chart ," IIE Transactions, 46, 526-542, 2014.

94. Liu, L., Tsung, F., and Zhang, J., " Adaptive nonparametric CUSUM scheme for detecting unknown shifts in location ," International Journal of Production Research, 52, 1592-1606, 2014.

95. Li, J., Tsung, F., and Zou, C., " A Simple Categorical Chart for Detecting Location Shifts with Ordinal Information ," International Journal of Production Research, 52, 550-562, 2014.

96. Shen, X., Tsung, F., and Zou, C., " A new multivariate EWMA scheme for monitoring covariance matrices ," International Journal of Production Research, 52, 2834-2850, 2014.

97. Shang, Y., Zi, X., Tsung, F., and He, Z., " LASSO-based Diagnosis Scheme for Multistage Processes with Binary Data ," Computers and Industrial Engineering, 72, 198-205, 2014.

98. Han, D. and Tsung, F., " The Stability, Bullwhip Effect and Optimization of a Horizontal Collaboration Supply Chain Network ," Neural, Parallel, and Scientific Computations, 22(1-2), 1-43, 2014.

99. Wang, A., Wang, K., and Tsung, F., " Statistical Surface Monitoring by Spatial-Structure Modeling ," Journal of Quality Technology, 46, 359-376, 2014.

100. Ding, D., Tsung, F., and Li, J., " Directional Control Schemes for Processes with Mixed-type Data ," International Journal of Production Research, 1-16, 2015.

101. Zhang, C., Tsung, F., and Zou, C., " A General Framework for Monitoring Complex Processes with both In-Control and Out-of-Control Information ," Computers and Industrial Engineering, 85, 157-168, 2015.

102. Han, D., Tsung, F., and Ning, X., " Detection and Diagnosis of Distribution Changes of Degree Ratio in Complex Networks ," Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 44(9), 1911-1938, 2015.

103. Ding, D., Tsung, F., and Li, J., " Rank-based Process Control for Mixed-Type Data ," IIE Transactions, 48(7), 673-683, 2016.

104. Li, Y., Shu, L., and Tsung, F. , " A False Discovery Approach for Scanning Spatial Disease Clusters with Arbitrary Shapes ," IIE Transactions, 48(7), 684-698, 2016.

105. Wang, A., Song, S., Huang, Q., and Tsung, F.," In-Plane Shape Deviation Modeling and Compensation for Fused Deposition Modeling Processes ," IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 99, 1-9, 2016.

106. Li, J., Liu, Y., Tsung, F., Huo, J., and Su, Q.,," Statistical Monitoring of Service Levels and Staffing Adjustments for Call Centers ," Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 32, 2813-2821, 2016.

107. He, Z., Wang, Z., Tsung, F., and Shang, Y.," A Control Scheme for Autocorrelated Bivariate Binomial Data ," Computers and Industrial Engineering, 98, 350-359, 2016.

108. Grasso, M., Colosimo, B., and Tsung, F.," A Phase I Multi-Modelling Approach for Profile Monitoring of Signal Data ," International Journal of Production Research, online 1-24, 2016.

109. Zhang, C., Tsung, F., and Xiang, D., " Monitoring Censored Lifetime Data with a Weighted-Likelihood Scheme ," Naval Research Logistics, 63(8), 631-646, 2016.

110. Ding, D., Tsung, F., and Li, J.," Ordinal Profile Monitoring with Random Explanatory Variables ," International Journal of Production Research, 55(3), 736-749, 2017.

111. Li, W., Pu, X., Tsung, F., and Xiang, D., " A Robust Self-Starting Spatial Rank Multivariate EWMA Chart Based on Forward Variable Selection ," Computers & Industrial Engineering, 103, 116-130, 2017.

112. Han, D., Tsung, F., and Xian, J.," On the Optimality of Bayesian Change-Point Detection ," Annals of Statistics, 45(4), 1375-1402, 2017.
***This result is probably one of the most important theoretical breakthroughs in 50 years on the strict (not asymptotically) optimality of Bayesian change-point detection since Shiryaev's fundamental work in 1963.

113. Xiang, D., Tsung, F., Pu, X., " Statistical Process Control for Latent Quality Characteristics Using the Up-and-down Test, " Technometrics, 59:4, 496-507, 2017.

114. Wang, H. and Tsung, F., " Constructing Tolerance Intervals for the Number of Defects Using both High and Low Resolution Data," Journal of Quality Technology, 49:4, 354-364, 2017.

115. Cheng, L., Tsung, F., and Wang, A., " A Statistical Transfer Learning Perspective for Modeling Shape Deviations in Additive Manufacturing ," IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2(4), 1988-1993, 2017.

116. Tsung, F., Zhang, K., Cheng, L., and Song, Z., " Statistical Transfer Learning: a Review and Some Extensions to Statistical Process Control ," (a discussion paper), Quality Engineering, 30:1, 115-128, 2018.

117. Jensen, W., Montgomery, D., Tsung, F., Vining, G., " 50 years of the Journal of Quality Technology ," (with discussions and rejoinder), Journal of Quality Technology, 50:1, 2-33, 2018.

118. Liu, L., Lai, X., Zhang, J., and Tsung, F., " On-line Profile Monitoring for Surgical Outcomes Using a Weighted Score Test ," Journal of Quality Technology, 50:1, 88-97, 2018.

119. Colosimo, B., Huang, Q., Dasgupta, T., and Tsung, F., " Opportunities and challenges of quality engineering for additive manufacturing ," Journal of Quality Technology (special issue on quality engineering in advanced manufacturing), 50:3, 233-252, 2018.

120. Wang, A., Xian, X., Tsung, F., and Liu, K., " A spatial-adaptive sampling procedure for online monitoring of big data streams ," Journal of Quality Technology (special issue on statistical process control for big data streams), 50:4, 329-343, 2018.

121. Cheng, L., Wang, A., and Tsung, F. " A Prediction and Compensation Scheme for In-Plane Shape Deviation of Additive Manufacturing with Information on Process Parameters ," IISE Transactions, 50, 394-406, 2018.

122. Wang, K., Li, J., and Tsung, F. " Registration-Free Monitoring of Multimode Near-Circular Shape Profiles ," Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 34, 529-542, 2018.

123. Wang, K., Li, J., and Tsung, F. " Adaptive Monitoring of Multimodal Data ," Computers & Industrial Engineering, 125, 364-374, 2018.

124. Yu, M., Wu, C., Wang, Z., and Tsung, F. " A robust CUSUM scheme with a weighted likelihood ratio to monitor an overdispersed Poisson process ," Computers & Industrial Engineering, 126, 165-174, 2018.

125. Wang, K. and Tsung, F. " A cost-effective and reliable measurement strategy for 3D printed parts by integrating low- and high-resolution measurement systems ," IISE Transactions, 50, 900-912, 2018. ***IISE Transactions Honorable Mention of Best Application Paper***

126. Xia, Z.M. and Tsung, F., " A Computationally-Efficient Self-Starting Scheme to Monitor General Linear Profiles with Abrupt Changes ," Quality Technology and Quantitative Management, 16, 278-296, 2019.

127. Li, Z. and Tsung, F. " A Control Scheme for Monitoring Process Covariance Matrices with More Variables than Observations ," Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 35, 351-367, 2019.

128. Yu, M., Wu, C., and Tsung, F. " Monitoring the data quality of data streams using a two-step control scheme ," IISE Transactions, 51, 985-998, 2019.

129. Liu, H., You, X., Tsung, F., and Ji, P. " An improved approach for failure mode and effect analysis involving large group of experts: An application to the healthcare field ," Quality Engineering, 30, 762-775, 2019.

130. Tseng, S.T., Tsung, F., and Wu, J.H. " Stability Conditions and Robustness Analysis of a General MMSE Run-to-Run Controller ," IISE Transactions, 51, 1279-1287, 2019.

131. Yang, H., Kumara, S., Bukkapatnam, S., and Tsung, F. " The Internet of Things for Smart Manufacturing: A Review ," IISE Transactions, 51, 1190-1216, 2019.

132. Wang, K. and Tsung, F. " A Fast and Robust Nonparametric Monitoring Scheme for Free-form Surface Scanning Data ," IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 16, 1675 - 1685, 2019.

133. Wang, J., Ma, Y., Tsung, F., Chang, G., and Tu, Y. " Economic parameter design for ultra-fast laser micro-drilling process ," International Journal of Production Research, 57, 6292-6314, 2019.

134. Li, W., Xiang, D., Tsung, F., and Pu, X. " A Diagnostic Procedure For High-Dimensional Data Streams Via Missed Discovery Rate Control " Technometrics, 62, 84-100, 2019.

135. Liu, Y., Zhou, H., Tsung, F., and Zhang, S. " Real-time Quality Monitoring and Diagnosis for Manufacturing Process Profiles Based on Deep Belief Networks ," Computers & Industrial Engineering, 136, 494-503, 2019.

136. He, B., Li, J., Tsung, F., Gao, Y., Dong, J., and Dang, Y. " Monitoring of Power Consumption Requirement Load Process and Price Adjustment for Smart Grid ," Computers & Industrial Engineering, 137, 106068, 2019.

137. Xiang, D., Tsung, F., Pu, X., and Li, W. " Change detection of profile with jumps and its application to 3D printing ," Computers & Industrial Engineering, 139, 106198, 2019.

138. Tsung, F., and Li, Z. " Discussion of "A novel approach to the analysis of spatial and functional data over complex domains" ," Quality Engineering, Vol. 32 , 193-196, 2020.

139. Wang, Y., Li, X., and Tsung, F. " Configuration-based Smart Customization Service: A Multitask Learning Approach ," IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, Vol.17(4): 2038 - 2047, 2020.

140. Li, Z., Yan, H., Zhang, C., and Tsung, F. " Long-Short Term Spatiotemporal Tensor Prediction for Passenger Flow Profile ," IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), Vol.5(4): 5010-5017, 2020.

141. Zhang, C., Hoi, S., and Tsung, F. " Time-Warped Sparse Non-negative Factorization for Functional Data Analysis ," ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD), No.27, 1-23, 2020.

142. Wang, K. and Tsung, F. " Bayesian Cross-Product Quality Control via Transfer Learning ," International Journal of Production Research, 17(10): 6720-6730, 2020.

143. Wang, K. and Tsung, F. " Sparse and Structured Function-on-Function Quality Predictive Modeling by Hierarchical Variable Selection and Multitask Learning ," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 17(10): 6720-6730, 2020.

144. Li, W.,Zhang, C., Tsung, F., and Mei, Y. " Nonparametric Monitoring of Multivariate Data via KNN Learning ," International Journal of Production Research, 59(20): 6311-6326, 2021.

145. Wang, K. and Tsung, F. " Hierarchical Sparse Functional Principal Component Analysis for Multistage Multivariate Profile Data ," IISE Transactions, 53 (1), 58-73, 2021.

146. Chen L., Wang, K., Tsung, F. " A Hybrid Transfer Learning Framework for In-Plane Freeform Shape Accuracy Control in Additive Manufacturing ," IISE Transactions, Vol. 53 (3): 298-312, 2021.

147. Xiang, D., Li, W., Tsung, F., and Pu, X. " Fault Classification for High-dimensional Data Streams: A Directional Diagnostic Framework Based on Multiple Hypothesis Testing ," Naval Research Logistics, 68(7): 973-987, 2021.

148. Li, W., Tsung, F., Song, Z., Zhang, K., and Xiang, D. " Multi-Sensor Based Landslide Monitoring via Transfer Learning ," Journal of Quality Technology, 53(5): 474-487, 2021.

149. Lai, X., Li, X., Liu, L., Tsung, F., Lai, P., Wang, J., Zhang, X., Zhu, X., and Liu, J. " A Risk-adjusted Approach to Monitoring Surgery for Survival Outcomes Based on a Weighted Score Test ," Computers & Industrial Engineering, 160: 107568, 2021.

150. Wang, X., Tsung, F., Li, W., Xiang, D., Cheng, C. " Optimal Space-Filling Design for Symmetrical Global Sensitivity Analysis of Complex Black-Box Models ," Applied Mathematical Modeling, 100: 303-319, 2021.

151. Han, D., Tsung, F., Xian, J., and Yu, M. " Optimal Sequential Tests for Monitoring Changes in the Distribution of Finite Observation Sequences ," Statistica Sinica, 32(3): 1317-1342, 2022.

152. Wang, K., Li, J. and Tsung, F. " Distribution Inference from Early-Stage Stationary Data Streams by Transfer Learning ," IISE Transactions, 54(3): 303-320, 2022.

153. Li, J., Ding, D. and Tsung, F. " Directional PCA for Fast Detection and Accurate Diagnosis: A Unified Framework ," IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 52(11): 11362-11372, 2022.

154. Wang, K. and Tsung, F. " Sparse and Robust Multivariate Functional Principal Component Analysis for Passenger Flow Pattern Discovery in Metro Systems ," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 23(7): 8367 - 8379, 2022.

155. Wang, Z., Wu, C., Yu, M., and Tsung, F. " Self-starting Process Monitoring based on Transfer Learning ," Journal of Quality Technology, 54(5): 589-604, 2022.

156. Wu, Z., Li, Y., Tsung, F., and Pan, E. " Real-Time Monitoring and Diagnosis Scheme for IoT Enabled Devices using Multivariate SPC Techniques ," IISE Transactions, 55(4): 348-362, 2022.

157. Li, Z., Yan, H., Zhang, C., and Tsung, F. " Individualized Passenger Travel Pattern Multi-Clustering based on Graph Regularized Tensor Latent Dirichlet Allocation ," Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 36(4): 1247-1278, 2022.

158. Li, Z., Yan, H., Tsung, F., and Zhang, K. " Profile Decomposition based Hybrid Transfer Learning for Cold-start Data Anomaly Detection ," ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD), 16(6): 121:1-28, 2022.

159. Li, Y., Wu, C., Li, W., and Tsung, F. " Nonparametric Passenger Flow Monitoring using A Minimum Distance Criterion ," IISE Transactions, 55(9): 861-872, 2022.

160. Zheng, B., Zhang, C., and Tsung, F. " Multi-view Metro Station Clustering based on Passenger Flows: A Functional Data-Edged Network Community Detection Approach ," Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 37(3): 1154-1208, 2022.

161. Wang, K., Li, J., and Tsung, F. " Efficient and Interpretable Monitoring of High-Dimensional Categorical Processes ," IISE Transactions, 55(9): 886-900, 2023.

162. Han, D., Tsung, F., and Qiao, L. " The optimal CUSUM control chart with a dynamic non-random control limit and a given sampling strategy for small samples sequence ," Journal of Applied Statistics, accepted, 2023, DOI: 10.1080/02664763.2022.2162863.

163. Tsang, K.W., Tsung, F., and Xu, Z. " Knockoff Procedure for False Discovery Rate Control in High-Dimensional Data Streams ," Journal of Applied Statistics, 50(14): 2970-2983, 2023.

164. Yu, M., Zhou, Y., and Tsung, F. " Robust Online Detection in Serially Correlated Directed Network ," Naval Research Logistics (NRL), 70(7): 735-752, 2023.

165. Ding, D., Li, J., Tsung, F., and Li, Y. " A Phase II score-based distribution-free method for jointly monitoring location and scale ," Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 39: 3030 - 3040, 2023.

166. He, Y., Kang. Y., Tsung, F., and Xiang, D. " Directional fault classification for correlated High-Dimensional data streams using hidden Markov models ," Journal of Quality Technology, accepted/ published online, 2023. DOI: 10.1080/00224065.2023.2210320.

167. Han, D., Tsung, F., and Xian, J. " An optimization method for change-point monitoring in finite samples sequence ," Statistics, 57(5): 1251-1266, 2023.

168. Li, Y., Wu, C., Li, W., Tsung, F., and Guo, J. " Dynamic Modeling and Online Monitoring of Tensor Data Streams with Application to Passenger Flow Surveillance ," The Annals of Applied Statistics, 18(3): 1789-1814, 2024. DOI: 10.1214/23-AOAS1845

169. Yang, L., Tsung, F., Wang, K., Zhou, J. " Wind Power Forecasting Based on a Spatial-Temporal Graph Convolution Network with Limited Engineering Knowledge ," IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, accepted, 2024.

170. Huang, J., Wang, Y., Ng, S., and Tsung, F. " Overcoming the Semantic Gap in the Customer-to-Manufacturer (C2M) Platform: A Soft Prompts-Based Approach with Pretrained Language Models ," International Journal of Production Economics, accepted, 2024.

171. Hu, J., Li, Z., Zhang, C., Tsung, F., and Yan, H. " Low-Rank Robust Subspace Tensor Clustering for Metro Passenger Flow Modeling ," INFORMS Journal on Data Science, 2024. Published online:

172. Wang, H., Li, C., Li, Y., and Tsung, F. " An Intelligent Industrial Visual Monitoring and Maintenance Framework Empowered by Large-scale Visual and Language Models ," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems, accepted, 2024.

173. Zou, Q., Li, J., Ding, D., and Tsung, F. " Process Monitoring for Covariance Matrixes with Latent Structures ," IISE Transactions, accepted, 2024.

174. Li, Y., Du, J., Jiang, W., and Tsung F. " MFRL-BI: Design of a model-free reinforcement learning process control scheme by using Bayesian inference ," IISE Transactions, accepted, 2024 (ICQSR best paper competition finalist).

175. Peng, X, Li, Y., and Tsung, F. " A Graph Attention Network with Spatio-Temporal Wind Propagation Graph for Wind Power Ramp Events Prediction ," Renewable Energy, 2024. Published online:

176. Li, Y., Du, J., Tsung, F., and Jiang, W. " Tensor-based process control and monitoring for semiconductor manufacturing with unstable disturbances ," Naval Research Logistics, 2024. Published online:

177. Huang, Y., Li, M., Tsung F., and Chang, X. " Mining Social Media Data via Supervised Topic Model: Can Social Media Posts Inform Customer Satisfaction? " Decision Sciences Journal, accepted, 2024

178. Piao, S., Huang, R., and Tsung, F. " CRULP: Reliable RUL Estimation Inspired by Conformal Prediction ," IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, accepted, 2024.

179. Yu, M., Huang, Y., and Tsung F. " A Robust Privacy-preserving Online Monitoring Algorithm for Disease Surveillance ," Quality Technology & Quantitative Management, accepted, 2024

180. Du, J., Tao, C., Cao, X., and Tsung, F. " 3D Vision-based Anomaly Detection in Manufacturing: A Survey ," Frontiers of Engineering Management, accepted, 2025

Refereed Proceedings

1. Tsung, F., "Multivariate SPC Methods for Automatic-Controlled Processes," Proceedings of International Conference of Production Research (Asia Meeting), Taipei, Taiwan, 1998.

2. Tsung, F., "Statistical Monitoring of Automatic-Controlled Processes," Proceedings of First World Congress on Ergonomics for Global Quality and Productivity, Hong Kong, 1998.

3. Tsung, F., "Model-Based SPC Methods for Automatic Controlled Processes," Proceedings of the 8th Annual Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Phoenix, AZ, 1999.

4. Tsung, F. and Tsui, K.-L., "Integration of SPC and APC for Process Monitoring," Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Productivity and Quality Research, Finland, 1999.

5. Tsung, F., "Impact of Information Sharing on Statistical Quality Control," Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Tokyo, Japan, 1999.

6. Tsung, F., "Quality Information Sharing for a Multistage Process," Proceedings of 27th International Conference on Computer and Industrial Engineering, Beijing, China, 2000.

7. Shu, L. and Tsung, F., "Multistage Process Monitoring and Diagnosis," Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology, Singapore, 2000.

8. Au, E., Tsung, F. and Linn, R., "Multistage Process Capability Study," Proceedings of the 5th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering - Theory, Applications and Practice, Taiwan, 2000.

9. Sun, R., Tsung, F. and Qu, L., "Integrating KPCA with an Improved Evolutionary Algorithm for Knowledge Discovery in Fault Diagnosis," Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning, Hong Kong, 2000.

10. Tsung, F., "Quality Improvement through Information Sharing," Proceedings of the American Statistical Association, Physical and Engineering Sciences Section [CD-ROM], Ann Arbor, MI, 2002.

11. Shu, L. and Tsung, F., "Multistage Statistical Quality Control," Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems [CD-ROM], Taipei, Taiwan, 2002.

12. Castagliola, P. and Tsung, F., "Effect of Non-Normality on Residual-Based Methods," Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Production Management, 361-368, Porto, Portugal, 2003.

13. Tsung, F. and Xiang L., "Multistage Statistical Process Control," Proceedings of the 54th International Statistical Institute Session, Berlin, Germany, 2003.

14. Tsung, F. and Xiang L., "Multistage Process Control and Monitoring Via Group EWMA Schemes," Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing, and Control, Taipei, Taiwan, 2004.

15. Tsung, F. and Wang, K., "SPC for a Data-rich Environment Using Profile Techniques," Proceedings of the IIE Annual Conference, Houston, Texas, 2004.

16. Tsung, F. and Wang, K., "A Categorical Controller for Run-to-run Processes," Proceedings of the IIE Annual Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, 2005.

17. Tsung, F. and Wang, K., " Run-to-run Process Control with Qualitative Information," Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Quality and Reliability, Beijing, China, 2005.

18. Wang, K. and Tsung, F., " Multivariate Statistical Process Control using Adaptive Dimension Reduction Schemes," Proceedings of the International Conference on Frontiers of Design and Manufacturing, Guangzhou, China, June, 2006.

19. Tsung, F., Li, Y., and Jin, M., " Statistical Process Control for Multistage Manufacturing and Service Operations: A Review," Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics, Shanghai, China, June, 2006.

20. Tsung, F. and Wang, K., " Charting Techniques for Dynamic Processes: Literature Review and Extensions ," Proceedings of the International Conference on Design of Experiments and Its Applications, Tianjin, China, July, 2006.

21. Tsung, F. and Wang, K., " Monitoring Multivariate Processes Using an Adaptive T2 Chart," Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Taipei, Taiwan, October, 2006.

22. Tsung, F. and Wang, K., " Adaptive Charting Techniques, " Proceedings of the IXth International Workshop on Intelligent Statistical Quality Control, Beijing, September, 2007.

23. Ning, X., Shang, Y. and Tsung, F. " Statistical Process Control Techniques to Service Processes: a Review, " Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management, Xiamen, June, 2009.

24. Shang, Y., Tsung, F., and Zou, C. " Monitoring and Diagnosing Schemes for Multistage Processes with Binary Data " Proceedings of the 1st INFORMS International Conference on Service Science, Hong Kong, August, 2009.

25. Li, J., Zou, C., and Tsung, F. " Monitoring Multivariate Binomial Data via Log-linear Models " Proceedings of the 1st INFORMS International Conference on Service Science, Hong Kong, August, 2009.

26. Ning, X. and Tsung, F. " Study on Potential Application of Density-based methods to Statistical Process Control " Proceedings of the 1st INFORMS International Conference on Service Science, Hong Kong, August, 2009.

27. Ning, X. and Tsung, F. " Monitoring a Process with Mixed-Type and High-Dimensional Data " Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Macau, December, 2010.

28. Tsung, F. and Shang, Y. " Statistical Process Control for Service Processes with Binary Outputs " Proceedings of the Asian Network for Quality Congress (ANQ2011), Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, September, 2011.

29. Li, J. and Tsung, F. " Statistical Quality Control for the Service Sector " Proceedings of the 59th World Statistics Congress, Hong Kong, August, 2013.

30. Song, S., Wang, A., Huang, Q., and Tsung, F. " Shape Deviation Modeling for Fused Deposition Modeling Processes " Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (IEEE CASE 2014), Taipei, Taiwan, August, 2014.

31. Grasso, M., Colosimo B.M., and Tsung F. " Quality Monitoring of Multimode Processes via Signal Data " Proceedings of the XII conference of the Italian Association of Mechanical Technology AITEM, Palermo, Italy, September, 2015.

32. Cheng, L., Tsung, F., and Wang, A. " A Statistical Transfer Learning Perspective for Modeling Shape Deviations in Additive Manufacturing " Proceedings of the 13th IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2017), Xian, August, 2017.

33. Li, Z., Sergin, ND, Hao, Y., Zhang, C., and Tsung, F. " Tensor Completion for Weakly-dependent Data on Graph for Metro Passenger Flow Prediction " Proceedings of the Thirty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-20), New York, New York, January, 2020.

34. Li, Z., Yan, H., Zhang, C., and Tsung, F. " Long-Short Term Spatiotemporal Tensor Prediction for Passenger Flow Profile " Proceedings of 2020 IEEE 16th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), Hong Kong, August, 2020. ***IEEE CASE 2020 Best Conference Paper Award***

35. He, B., Li, S., Zhang, C., Zheng, B. and Tsung, F. " Holistic Prediction for Public Transport Crowd Flows: A Spatio Dynamic Graph Network Approach " Proceedings of European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML-PKDD 2021, Research Track), Bilbao, Spain, September, 2021.

36. Zhang, W., Zhang C., and Tsung, F. " Transformer Based Spatial-Temporal Fusion Network for Metro Passenger Flow Forecasting ," Proceedings of 2021 IEEE 16th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), Lyon, France, August, 2021.

37. Zhang, W., Zhang, C., and Tsung, F. " GRELEN: Multivariate Time Series Anomaly Detection from the Perspective of Graph Relational Learning ," Proceedings of the 31st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the 25th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-ECAI 2022), a LONG oral presentation and a poster presentation, Messe Wien, Vienna, Austria, July, 2022.

38. Tang, J., Zhang, W., Li, J., Zhao, K., Tsung, F., Li, J., "Robust Attributed Graph Alignment via Joint Structure Learning and Optimal Transport," Proceedings of the 39th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2023), Anaheim, California, April 2023.

39. Cheng, J., Li, M., Li, J., and Tsung, F., "Wiener Graph Deconvolutional Network Improves Graph Self-Supervised Learning," Proceedings of the Thirty-Seventh AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-23), Washington, DC, Feb 2023.

40. Liu, Y., Rong, Y., Gao, Z., Chen, N., Xu, T., Tsung, F., and Li, J., "Human Mobility Modeling During the COVID-19 Pandemic via Deep Graph Diffusion Infomax," Proceedings of the Thirty-Seventh AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-23), Washington, DC, Feb 2023.

41. Gao, Z., Niu, Y., Cheng, J., Li, L., Xu, T., Zhao, P., Tsung, F., and Li, J., "Handling Missing Data via Max-Entropy Regularized Graph Autoencoder," Proceedings of the Thirty-Seventh AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-23), Washington, DC, Feb 2023.

42. Tian Lan, Ziyue Li, zhishuai Li, LEI BAI, Man Li, Fugee Tsung, Wolfgang Ketter, Rui Zhao, Chen Zhang, "MM-DAG: Multi-task DAG Learning for Multi-modal Data - with Application for Traffic Congestion Analysis," KDD 2023 Conference Research Track, Long Beach, CA, Aug 2023.

43. Min Jiang, Andi Wang, Ziyue Li, Fugee Tsung, "A Unified Probabilistic Framework for Spatiotemporal Passenger Crowdedness Inference within Urban Rail Transit Network," 2023 IEEE 19th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), Auckland, New Zealand, Aug 2023.

44. Luxuan WANG, Lei Bai, Ziyue Li, Rui Zhao, Fugee Tsung, "Correlated Time Series Self-Supervised Representation Learning via Spatiotemporal Bootstrapping," 2023 IEEE 19th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), Auckland, New Zealand, Aug 2023.

45. Zhang, W., Zhang, J., Li, J., and Tsung, F. "A Co-training Approach for Noisy Time Series Learning", Proceedings of the 32nd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), Birmingham, UK, October 2023.

46. Wang B., Li J., Liu Y., Cheng J., Rong Y., Wang W. and Tsung F. "Deep Insights into Noisy Pseudo Labeling on Graph Data." 37th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2023), New Orleans, USA, Dec., 2023.

47. Liu, Y., Cheng, J., Zhao, H., Xu, T., Zhao, P., Tsung, F., Li, J. and Rong, Y., "Improving Generalization in Equivariant Graph Neural Networks with Physical Inductive Biases," The Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2024), Vienna, Austria, May, 2024.

48. Xie, Y., Du, J., Tsung, F., Wan, P., and Xu, G. "FIT3D: Real-time Flatness Inspection Algorithm for Ceramic Tiles using the Structured Light 3D Scanner," 2024 IEEE 20th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2024), Bari, Italy, August 28-September 1, 2024.

49. Tang, J., Lu, H., Xu, X., Wu, R., Hu, S., Zhang, T., Cheng, TW, Ge, M., Chen, YC, and Tsung, F., "An Incremental Unified Framework for Small Defect Inspection," 2024 European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV 2024), Milan, Italy, September 29-October 4, 2024.

50. Zhang, W., Li, G., Tang, J., Li, J., and Tsung, F. "Data Imputation from the Perspective of Graph Dirichlet Energy", Proceedings of the 33rd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), Idaho, USA, October 2024.

51. Li, Y. and Tsung, F., "Vibration Analysis and Mitigation in Semiconductor Motion Stages Using DMAIC Methodology: A Case Study," the 24th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems (APIEMS2024) Conference, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 10-14 November 2024.

52. Ayako Yamagiwa, Fugee Tsung and Masayuki Goto, "Quantifying User Preferences Feelings on "I Choose You!" for Pokemon Characters Using Pairwise Comparison Deep Learning Models", the 51st International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering (CIE51), UNSW Sydney, Australia, 9-11 December, 2024.

53. Shi, J., Lin, H., Wang, Y., Tsung, F., "Behind Gazing: Exploring Boundary Violations Caused by Cognitive Differences," The 17th International Symposium on Visual Information Communication and Interaction (VINCI 2024), Hsinchu, Taiwan, December 11-13, 2024.

54. Li, J., Xing, Z., Xiao, R., Tsung, F., and Zhu, L., "DBD-Diff: Defocus Blur Detection Using Semantic and Texture Correlation Guided Diffusion Model", VRCAI 24: Proceedings of the 19th ACM SIGGRAPH International Conference on Virtual-Reality Continuum and its Applications in Industry, Nanjing, December 2024.

55. Wang, B., Li, J., Chang, H., Zhang, K., and Tsung, F. "Heterophilic Graph Neural Networks Optimization with Causal Message-passing", Proceedings of the 18th ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM), Hannover, Germany, March 2025.

56. Shimizu, R., Wada, T., Wang, Y., Kruse, J., O'Brien, S., HtaungKham, S., Song, L., Yoshikawa, Y., Saito, Y., Tsung, F., Goto, M., and McAuley, J., "Disentangling Likes and Dislikes in Personalized Generative Explainable Recommendation," The ACM Web Conference (WWW 2025), Sydney, Australia, 2025.

57. Liu Y., Zheng, Z., Cheng, J., Tsung, F., Zhao, D., Rong, Y., and Li J., "GirT: Global Subseasonal-to-Seasonal Forecasting with-inspired Transformer", The Thirteenth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2025), Singapore, April, 2025.

58. Li, A., Xie, Y., Li, S., Tsung, F., Ding, B., & Li, Y., "Agent-Oriented Planning in Multi-Agent Systems," The Thirteenth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2025), Singapore, April 2025.

59. Lyu H., Wang X., Zhang N., Ma S., Zhu Q., Luo Y., Tsung F., and Ma X., "Signaling Human Intentions to Service Robots: Understanding the Use of Social Cues during In-Person Conversations", The ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 25), Yokohama, Japan, April 26-May 1, 2025.

60. Shi, J., Lin, T., She, J., Tsung, F. and Zhang, K., "INK SONATA: Cross-Cultural and Cross-Media Dialogue between Piano Music and Calligraphy," the 30th International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA 2025), Korea, May 2025.

Books/ Book Chapters

Tsung, F. and Wang, K., " Six Sigma," in " Springer Handbook of Engineering Statistics, 2nd ed. " Ed. Pham H., Springer, New York, 2020.

Tsung, F., Shang, Y., and Ning, X., " Statistical Quality Control - Recent Advances," in " Springer's International Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences ," Ed. Lovric, M., Springer, New York, in press, 2010.

Tsung, F. and Wang, K., " Adaptive Charting Techniques: Literature Review and Extensions," in " Frontiers in Statistical Quality Control 9," Ed. Lenz, H.-J., Wilrich, P.-TH., and Schmid, W., Physica-Verlag, Berlin, 19-36, 2010.

Shu, L., Tsui, K.-L., and Tsung, F., " A Review of Regression Control Charts," in " Encyclopedia of Statistics in Quality and Reliability," Ed. Ruggeri, F., Faltin, F., and Kenett, R., Wiley, NY, 1569-1573, 2007.

Tsung, F., " Six Sigma Case Studies in Service Industries," in " World Class Applications of Six Sigma: Real World Examples of Success," Ed. Antony, J. et al., Elsevier Science, UK, 173-191, 2006.

Tsung, F., " Six Sigma," in " Springer Handbook of Engineering Statistics," Ed. Pham H., Springer, New York, 957-972, 2006.


Wang, B., Tsung, F., Du, J., and Wang, W., "Anomaly Detection Methodology for Ceramic Quality in Multiple-Recipe Production Line," CN116861350A, CN Patent, 10 Oct. 2023.

Zhang, W., Tsung, F., Du, J., and Wang, W., "A Time Series Anomaly Detection Method Based on Multivariate Temporal Relationship Learning," CN116821619A, CN Patent, 29 Sep. 2023.


Courses Taught

DSAA6000L: Industrial Analytics for Problem Solving and Process Improvement, Spring, 2024, Fall, 2024.

INFH5000: Information Science and Technology: Essentials and Trends, Fall, 2021, Fall, 2022.

IELM5260: Advance Quality Technology and Data Analytics, Fall 2017.

Industrial Big Data Analytics,
Shanghai Jiaotong University Summer School, Shanghai, July 2018.

Industrial Big Data Analytics,
Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Summer School, Shanghai, July 2018.

Advance Quality Technology and Data Analytics,
Shanghai Jiaotong University Summer School, Shanghai, July 2017.

Advance Quality Technology and Data Analytics,
Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Summer School, Shanghai, July 2017.

China Executive MBA (CHEMBA) - Business Statistics
Lingnan College, Sun Yat-sen University, December 2012.

"Teaching Excellence Appreciation" Award, School of Engineering, Spring 2001.

Getting the Best out of Six Sigma - "Partnership with Experts" Executive Training Workshop Series
(Organized by the Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency (HKQAA), December 2006)

Six Sigma in Service - Experience Sharing
(Organized by the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE), February 2006)

Service Six Sigma
(Graduate Diploma in Transportation Logistics Management, March 2004)

Quality Management
(Executive's Master of Technology Management Program, Shanghai, Feb 2004)

Total Quality Management
(Executive's Master of Technology Management Program, Oct 2001, June 2002)

Quality Management for Service Industry
(Graduate Diploma in Transportation Logistics Management, Sep 2000, March 2002, Feb 2003)

Executive Workshop for Six Sigma Champion
(Continuing and Professional Education Programmes, April 2003)

Improving Business Performance through Six Sigma
(Organized by Hong Kong Society for Quality, July 2003)

Integrating Six Sigma into Existing Quality Improvement Techniques
-- Best Practice in Six Sigma
(Organized by International Quality & Productivity Centre and Hong Kong Productivity Council, August 2001)

Best Practice Seminar on Six Sigma
(Organized by Hong Kong Society for Quality, April 2001)

Six Sigma Executive Training Workshop
(Organized by CMA Testing and Certification Laboratories, March 2001)

Integrated Quality Management System -- Elements of Six Sigma
(Continuing and Professional Education Programmes, Hong Kong, May and Nov 2000)

Integrated Quality Management System -- Elements of Six Sigma
(Continuing and Professional Education Programmes, Shenzhen, Nov 2000)

EEMT522 Six Sigma Quality Management (Fall 2005, Fall 2004)

IEEM531 Total Quality Management (Fall 2005, Fall 2004, Fall 2003, Fall 2002, Fall 2001)

IEEM526 Design and Analysis of Engineering Experiments (Fall 2005, Fall 2004, Fall 2003, Fall 2002, Fall 2001, Fall 2000, Fall 1999, Fall 1998, Fall 1997)

IEEM527 System Modeling and Simulation (Fall 1998)

IEEM227 Quality Engineering (Spring 2004, Spring 2003, Spring 2002, Spring 2001, Spring 1998)

IEEM313 System Simulation (Spring 2000)


Students Advised

Post-Doctoral fellows/ Visiting scholars

Dr. Feng Zhu, 2024 (PhD., City University of Hong Kong)

Dr. Yanrong Li, 2023 (PhD., Shanghai Jiaotong University)

Dr. Changliang Zhou, 2009 (Assistant Professor, Nankai University, China)

Dr. Chunjie Wu, 2008 (Associate Prof., Shanghai University of Finance and Economics)

Prof. Xiaolong Pu, 2005 (Professor, East China Normal University)

Prof. Jianfang Zhang, 2003 (Professor, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing)

Dr. Liming Xiang, 2002-03 (Assistant Professor, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)

Prof. Dong Han, 2001 (Professor, Shanghai Jiaotong University, SHanghai)

Dr. Dongfeng Shi, 2001 (Associate Professor, Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics, Nanjin)

Dr. Ruixiang Sun, 2000-01 (Research Center for Digital Media, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing)

Dr. Samineni Prasad, 1999 (Monarch Information Technological Services, Inc., LA)

PhD students

Jiang Wei, graduated in 1999 (Prof., Shanghai Jiao Tong University).
Thesis: Charting Techniques for Integrated APC and SPC Environments.

Liu Hancong, graduated in 2001 (Operational Analyst, EPCOR Utilities Inc. Canada).
Thesis: Improving Supply Chain Management with Statistical Quality Methods.

Shu Lianjie, graduated in 2002 (Prof., Univ. of Macau).
Thesis: Cause-Selecting Charting Techniques in Multistage Processes.

Wang Kaibo, graduated in 2006 (Prof., Tsinghua University, Beijing).
Thesis: Adaptive Charting Techniques for Multivariate and Dynamic Processes.

Li Yanting, graduated in 2008 (Associate Prof., Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai).
Thesis: Monitoring and Diagnosing the Mean Vector and Covariance Matrix of Multistage Processes.

Jin Min, graduated in 2008 (Manager, Philips Electronics, Shenzhen).
Thesis: Chart Allocation and Control Techniques for Multistage and Run-to-Run Processes.

Ning Xianghui, graduated in 2010 (Associate Prof., Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing).
Thesis: Monitoring a Service Process with Mixed-type and High-dimensional Data.

Yanfen Shang, graduated in 2011 (Associate Prof., Tianjin University, Tianjin).
Thesis: Statistical Process Control for Manufacturing and Service Processes with Binary Outputs.

Jian Li, graduated in 2012 (Prof., Xian Jiaotong University, Xian).
Thesis: Statistical Process Control for Multivariate Categorical Processes.

Xiaobei Shen, graduated in 2013 (Associate Prof., University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei).
Thesis: Statistical Monitoring and Detection in Healthcare Industry.

Dong Ding, graduated in 2015 (Associate Prof., Xian Polytechnic University, Xian).

Chi Zhang, graduated in 2016 (Data Analyst, Alibaba Group, Hangzhou).

Andi Wang, graduated in 2016.(Assistant Prof., The Polytechnic School - Arizona State University, USA).

Ke Zhang, graduated in 2017 (Quantitative Research Associate, J.P.Morgan, Beijing).

Suoyuan Song, graduated in 2018 (Data Analyst, Alibaba Group, Hangzhou).

Kai Wang, graduated in 2018 (Assistant Prof., Xian Jiaotong University, Xian).

Longwei Cheng, graduated in 2018 (Research Engineer, Huawei Technologies Co., Shenzhen).

Zhenli Song, graduated in 2020 (Research Engineer, Huawei Technologies Co., Shenzhen).

Ziyue Li, graduated in 2021 (Assistant Prof., University of Cologne, Germany).

Yinghui Huang, graduated in 2022 (Assistant Prof., Xian Jiaotong University).

Man Li, graduated in 2023 (Assistant Prof., Southwestern University of Finance and Economics).

Botao Wang, graduated in 2024 (Machine learning researcher, FCC Analytics, Hong Kong).

Weiqi Zhang, graduated in 2024 (Huawei, Shanghai).

Master students

Tam Kin Yip David, MSc (with R. So), Graduated in Summer 1998,
Project: Use of Statistics in Forecasting - Predicting the Peak Demand for Gas Industry.

Chen Kin Wing Tony, MSc (with R. Linn), Graduated in Fall 1998,
Project: Process Capability Study in Multilayer Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing.

Lau Kwok Wah, MSc, Graduated in Winter 2000,
Project: Forecasting System Evaluation for Office Automation Products.

Liu King Sum, MSc, Graduated in Summer 2000,
Project: Develop a Quality Assurance System for the Daily Residential Installation Work of Towngas.

Lau Wai Choi Ellis, MPhil, Graduated in Fall 2000,
Thesis: Multiple Supplier Evaluation Through Process Capability Analysis.

Au Yim Lee Emily, MPhil, Graduated in Fall 2000,
Thesis: Statistical and Information Technology based Multistage Process Control.

Tong Po Chi Joanna, MPhil, Graduated in Fall 2001,
Thesis: Service Quality Evaluation and Improvement in E-Business.

Kwok Tak Lung Anson, MPhil (with K. Zhu), Graduated in Spring 2004,
Thesis: Quality Improvement and Inspection in Supply Chains.

Zhou Zhihong, MPhil, Graduated in Spring 2004,
Thesis: Applying Manufacturing Batch Techniques to Customer Fraud Detection.

Raymond Tsang, MSc, Graduated in Summer 2004,
Project: An Application of Data Mining: Analysis of Insurance CRM.

Matthew Chan, MSc, Graduated in Summer 2004,
Project: Data Mining for Cargoes Entering U.S. Port.

Chao Niu, MPhil, graduated in 2012.

Exchange students

Etienne Ageneau, EMN, France, 1999,
Project: Quality Improvement of Reflow Soldering Process for SMT (with GKI-IBM China and OPC-HK).

Florent Nasse, EMN, France, 1999,
Project: Process Capability Improvement of Screening Process for SMT (with GKI-IBM China and OPC-HK).

Etienne Joly, EMN, France, 2002,
Project: Machine Vision System for Quality Control (with Flextronics).

Bertrand Brugel, ENSGI, France, 2002.

Mavis Chan, University of Toronto, Canada, 2003,
Project: Statistical Data Mining for e-Marketing (with SONY).

Senior student projects


Chow Mei Ling Mandy and Ho Mei Wai Rebecca (with K.-L. Tsui), 1997,
Project: Statistical Quality Control and Quality Assurance in Electrical Appliances Industry.


Au Yim Lee Emily, Chow Chi Lap Eric, and Sze Ngan Ho Kelvin, 1998,
Project: Statistical Quality and Process Capability Improvement on Surface Mounting Technology (with GKI Electronics Co., Ltd., IBM China) ***the 2nd Runner-Up of 1999 Quality Management Project Competition***

Li Ka Fai, Ng Chun Wai, and Yip Yan, 1998,
Project: Quality Control of PCB Manufacturing through the Theory of Constraints Thinking Process (with Tong Guang - Nortel Ltd.) ***the 1st Runner-Up of 1999 Quality Management Project Competition***

Au Siu Kei, Cheng Ngai Yu, and Wong Wai Yan (with C. J. Su), 1998,
Project: From BRP to Automatic ISO Documents Generation.


Chan Mui Sze, Tong Po Chi Joanna, and Wong Chi Hung, 1999,
Project: Quality Management in Hong Kong and Shenzhen PCB Manufacturing Industry (with GKI-IBM China and OPC-HK) ***the 2nd Runner-Up of 2000 Quality Management Project Competition***

But Ting Chun, Chan Chun Lok, and Hung Wah Shan, 1999,
Project: Service Quality Improvement in Banking Industry (with Dah Sing Bank).

Chan Ka Lok, Kwong Kim Leung, and Law On Kay Angel (with B. Yen), 1999,
Project: Web-Based Statistical Process Control.


Kwok Fong Kwan Edna, Lau Kit Yan Candy, and Lam Ping Yu, 2000,
Project: Implementing Quality Standard in Service Industry (with Philips Electronics Transport and Storage). ***the 2nd Runner-Up of 2001 Quality Management Project Competition***

Cheung Kai Lam, Chan Shang Hin, and Wong Wing Kin, 2000,
Project: Service Quality Improvement by Six Sigma Approach for the iCare Customer Service Hotline (with Towngas) ***Merit Award of 2001 HKIE Student Project Competition***

Cheng Chi Lun, Cheung Hiu Lung Alan, and Wong Yiu Fai Peter (with R. Cheung), 2000,
Project: Service Quality Improvement on Airfreight Industry (with Schenker).


Wong Chui Yan Anita, Chong Tsz Sum, and Wong Siu Ngan (with J. Liu), 2001,
Project: Customer Satisfaction in Distribution Services (with Philips).

Choi Chung Man Siuman, Mak Siu Ming Brian, and Tam Wai Chu Rio (with N. Lee), 2001,
Project: Automatic Quality Dashboard (High Technology Entrepreneur Program) ***Nominee of 2001 Start-Up Asia Techno-Venture Business Plan Competition***

Li Kwan Ha and Lo Man Yee, 2001,
Project: Service Quality Improvement through Benchmarking and Online Survey (with SONY).

Lo Yat Sing, Luk Ka Wing Karly, and Wong Kwok Fung (with R. Cheung), 2001,
Project: Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction (with Kerry Logistics).


Lau Pui Yan Sam, Sze Siu Kwan Nico, and Tam Ka Yi Tracy, 2002,
Project: Statistical Data Mining for Customer Relationship Management (with SONY).

Yeung Ho Yin, Leung Chun Kan, and Wong Ming Wai, 2002,
Project: Computer-based Vision System for Quality Control (with Flextronics).

Lam Hoi Yin, Mo Yiu Wing, and Chan Chiu King (with R. Cheung), 2002,
Project: Six Sigma in Logistics (with Rehabus) ***the 1st Runner-Up of 2003 Quality Management Project Competition***

Wong Chun Ming, Tang Yee Him, and Lai Ka Kui (with N. Lee), 2002,
Project: Electronic Customer Dashboard.


Chow Lai Nga Zoe, Tsoi Ying Chi Julian, and Chow Ting Fan Joesph, 2003,
Project: Statistical Data Mining for Customer Relationship Management (with SONY).

Yau Kai Wai Tracy, Yeung Wai Tsz Daisy, and Tse Po Wing Chris, 2003,
Project: Computer-based Vision System for Quality Control (with Flextronics).

Hong Siu Fai, Kwan Hoi Wah Kay, and Ma Wai Leong (with K. Zhu), 2003,
Project: Custodial Service Management Using Six Sigma for Hong Kong Disneyland (with Disneyland).

Chung Wai Hong, Choi Chek Lun, and Chung Wai Kin (with J. Liu), 2003,
Project: Service Six Sigma (with Philips Electronics).


Lai Wai Lim, Tang Fei Fei, and Wong Man Chung, 2004,
Project: Six Sigma for Customer Service Improvement (with ASAT).

Chan Kwok Wai, Mok Wai Fan, and Sung Yee Ki, 2004,
Project: Data Mining for Yard Density Improvement (with HIT).


Hong Ying Ting, Sze Hiu Wing Kelly, and Tsang Heung Tim, 2005,
Project: Six Sigma Improvement through Statistical Data Mining (with HIT).

Leung Tik Ka, Wong Suet Yee, Wong Wai Man (Toby), and Yip Wing Yan, 2005,
Project: Design for Six Sigma for Software Development (with Philips Mobile Infotainment).


Chan Kai Ming, Cheng Tung Kai, and Hui Hei Man, 2006,
Project: Internal Tractor Efficiency Improvement (with HIT).

Cheung Fo Hing, Wong Wai Chung, and Yau Wing Chun, 2006,
Project: Mobile Measurement System Analysis and Improvement (with Philips Mobile).


Chao Man Hang, Chan Chun Yin, Tsang Mei Ting, and Chan Wing Han, 2007,
Project: Six Sigma Implementation on Customer Service of SONY (with SONY Hong Kong).

Lee Chun Lam, Wong See Wai, and Cheung Kiu Poon, 2007,
Project: Fault Management of Wharf T&T (with Wharf T&T).


Leung Kar Man, Lo Chung Yan, Lo Ka Fai, and Yip YuenYi, 2008,
Project: NA (with SONY Hong Kong).

Choi Wing Yee, Kwok Pui Sum, Tsang Tsz Hang, and Wong Chui Fai, 2008,
Project: NA (with Lifewood).


Au Janice Pui Hang, Chan Chung Kei, Cheng Yiu Ki, Tam Tsun Kit, 2009,
Project: NA (with ENW Electronics).

Ip Yin Ping Pinky, Tse Yim Ming, Yan Cho Wing, Yap Shaw Liang Alex, 2009,
Project: NA (with Dah Sing Bank).


CHEN, Minying Kito, LUK, Matthew Ho Ming, MA, Miu Yin Yennie, and POON, Ngai Dick Dickson, 2010,
Project: NA (with Hong Kong Disney).

CHEUK, Shing Faat Edwin, CHU, Kwok Fong, KO, Suet Lai, and LAM, Pui Hang, 2010,
Project: NA (with Prince of Wales Hospital; joint FYP with Taiwan Tsinghua).

WANG, Dongyang Ester, 2010,
Project: NA (with HA Infectious Disease Center). email