February 2018
Dear friends of the HKUST IEDA Department,
Gong Hei Fat Choy! Wish you all a prosperous and healthy Year of the Dog!
Launching of the Department of Industrial Engineering and Decision Analytics (IEDA)
We are excited to announce that IELM is now renamed to Department of Industrial Engineering and Decision Analytics (IEDA) – in reflecting its growing portfolio of teaching and research in decision analytics – a relatively new domain which involves extensive analysis of data using statistical models, machine learning algorithms, simulation, creative modeling and prescriptive analytic tools for making wise decisions for various problems in modern society. An Inauguration Ceremony was held on 5 January 2018, and details of the Ceremony as well as the direction and development of the Department can be found in the following links:
IEDA Logo Design Competition
Thank you for your active participation in the Logo Design Competition. We have received over 40 entries from our alumni, staff and students, and the Winner is Mr. Parry Chan (UG alumnus); while the 2 Runner-ups are Mr. Zhuodong Tang (PG Student) & Ms. Peggy Mak (Staff). Their design can be found here; and the new Department Logo is shown below – which is slightly modified based on the winning design to align it with University themes.
IEDA 25th Anniversary Celebration
IEDA Department will turn 25 in September 2018! To celebrate the 25th Anniversary of IEDA Department, a Celebration Dinner and PG Workshop will be organized on 13 October 2018 (Saturday). Details are as follows:
a.  IEDA 25th Anniversary Celebration Dinner
Date:               13 October 2018 (Sat)
Time:               7pm - 10pm (Cocktail reception starts at 6pm)
Venue:            G/F Chinese Restaurant (南北小廚), HKUST
Please mark your calendar for this event and more details will be announced in due course.
b.  IEDA 25th Anniversary PG Workshop
Date:               13 October 2018 (Sat)
Time:              10am – 6pm
Venue:            TBC
Similar to the PG Forum in 2013, this year, PG alumni who are currently working in the academic field will be invited to give sharing / seminars on their academic path / recent research to current PG students. If you are interested in sharing your experience, please send your personal particulars to likeieda@ust.hk. We will then contact you shortly on the detailed arrangement.
c.  IEDA 25th Anniversary Publication and Video
To reflect our collective memory in the past 25 years, an Anniversary Booklet and a short Video Clip will be produced for the 25th Anniversary celebration. Share with us on your precious memories at HKUST by sending photos that can represent your memorable and joyful moments at IE Department to likeieda@ust.hk by 30 April 2018! Photos with size over 1MB are preferred; and we will have them included in our booklet and video!
Taking this opportunity, we wish you and your family a blessed Year of the Dog full of peace, laughter, prosperity and good health! I look forward to meeting you in the upcoming celebration events!
Professor Guillermo Gallego
Crown Worldwide Professor of Engineering
Head of Industrial Engineering and Decision Analytics
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology