8 November 2021
Prof. Rachel Zhang gave a keynote speech at INFORMS Annual Meeting 2021
Professor Rachel Zhang, Chair Professor of IEDA, were invited to give a keynote speech at INFORMS Annual Meeting on 27 Oct 2021. OR and OM have brought about significant improvements to operations in diverse domains, including military, manufacturing and service, and the knowledge economy. Every technological advance in the modern world has been met with the pursuit of new models by the OR/OM community, often providing fundamental understanding of and significant improvements to its deployment. In her keynote on “Boundary-expending OR/OM Research”, Prof. Zhang shared her experience in pursuing research in the boundaries of operations and finance, wireless communications and blockchains, including the inspirations, execution, challenges and lessons learned. Pursuing such projects is not without risk, but is an effective way for a researcher to reinvent him/herself and have a fulfilling career.