Network economics, Socially responsible operations; Operations-Marketing interface; Supply chain management
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Network economics, Socially responsible operations; Operations-Marketing interface; Supply chain management
Thank you for visiting my website! Below is a short introduction of myself.
Ying-Ju Chen holds a joint appointment between School of Business and Management (Department of ISOM) and School of Engineering (Department of IEDA) at HKUST. Prior to the current position, he was a faculty in the Department of IEOR at UC Berkeley. He obtained a PhD degree in Operations Management from Stern School of Business at New York University in 2007, and he also holds master's and bachelor's degrees of Electrical Engineering from National Taiwan University.
He is a recipient of NYU teaching excellence award, Recognition of Excellent Teaching Performance at HKUST Business School, Second place of INFORMS Junior Faculty Interest Group (JFIG) paper competition, Winner of "Most Influential Service Operations Paper" in Production and Operations Management, Harold W. Kuhn Award of Naval Research Logistics, Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Award (Social Science, third prize), Best paper award of CSAMSE (third prize), the Harold MacDowell Award from Stern School, 6-time Meritorious Service Awards from Management Science and Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, and other awards and fellowships during his academic journey. He is ranked No. 5 among researchers in Asia and Australasia by frequency of authorship in Operations Management, according to an article in Int. J. Prod. Eco. (2017).
He serves as an associate editor for M&SOM journal. His current research interests lie in socially responsible operations, operations-marketing interface, and supply chain management. His work has appeared in several leading conferences and journals in the fields of economics, electrical engineering, information systems, marketing, and operations research.
- Ranked No. 5 among researchers in Asia and Australasia by frequency of authorship in Operations Management according to an article in Int. J. Prod. Eco. (2017)
- Winner, "Most Influential Service Operations Paper" in Production and Operations Management, 2018.
- Reward for Excellence, Supply Chain and Internet Finance Annual Forum, 2018
- Recognition of Excellent Teaching Performance, HKUST School of Business and Management, 2015
- Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Award (Social Science, third prize), Ministry of Education, 2015
- Harold W. Kuhn Award of Naval Research Logistics, 2014
- Best paper award (third prize), Chinese Scholars Association for Management Science and Engineering (CSAMSE), 2013
- 2nd place, INFORMS Junior Faculty Interest Group (JFIG) Paper competition, 2010
- Harold MacDowell Award, NYU Stern, 2008
- Stern Award for Teaching Excellence, NYU, 2006
- PI, Hong Kong Research Grants Council - General Research Fund. Synchronizing pricing and replenishment to serve forward-looking customers with lost sales.
- PI, Hong Kong Research Grants Council - General Research Fund. Overcoming product adoption puzzle in developing economies via menu design.
- PI, Hong Kong Research Grants Council - General Research Fund. Fairness and pricing issues for information provision to improve farmers' welfare in developing economies.
- PI, Hong Kong Research Grants Council - General Research Fund. Analytical study of dynamic supply chain network configurations. (Co-I: Ho-Yin Mak)
- PI, Hong Kong Research Grants Council - General Research Fund. Operational challenges for one-way car sharing services. (Co-I: Ho-Yin Mak)
For my current research team, please check the following for details:
Wenbo Selina Cai (2012; PhD UC Berkeley)
- Associate Professor, New Jersey Institute of Technology
- Dissertation: Intertemporal pricing, supply chain design, and consumer behavior
Ling-Chieh Kung (2012; PhD UC Berkeley)
- Assistant Professor, National Taiwan University
- Dissertation: Mechanism design for multi-layer supply chains
- Harold W. Kuhn Award (NRL best publication)
- He is now well-known for pioneering flipped-classroom teaching in Taiwan (as Director of NTU MOOC). Invite him to give a talk!
Chen-Nan Liao (2015; PhD UC Berkeley)
- Assistant Professor, National Taiwan University
- Dissertation: Game theory applications in socially responsible operations and operations-marketing interface
- POMS Hong Kong 2014 Best student paper award (Honorable mention)
Qiao-Chu Tony He (2016; PhD UC Berkeley)
- Assistant Professor, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
- Visiting Assistant Professor, HKUST
- Dissertation: Service Operations Systems: Incentives, Information Asymmetries and Bounded Rationalities
- POMS Hong Kong 2014 Best student paper award (First prize)
Patrick Ho Tak Tsang (2017; PhD HKUST)
- Faculty, City University of Hong Kong
- Dissertation: Optimization Models for Ocean Logistics and Sustainable Transportation
Shihong Claoe Xiao (2018; PhD HKUST)
- Postdoctoral fellow, University of Minnesota at Twin Cities
- Dissertation: Essays on Knowledge Sharing and Social Learning
Tingting Cui (2010; PhD UC Berkeley)
- Initial offers: University of Wisconsin at Madison/ Google
Shan Li (2010; PhD UC Berkeley)
- Assistant professor, CUNY Baruch
Gemma Berenguer (2012; PhD UC Berkeley)
- Assistant Professor, Purdue University
Hui Xiong (2013; PhD Tsinghua University)
- Initial placement: Associate professor, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
- Dissertation work won Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Award (Social Science, third prize)
- Best young researcher award at HUST (sole winner in School of Management, 10 winners in the entire university)
Xu Guan (2013; PhD Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Professor, Wuhan University
Qiankai Qing (2013; PhD Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Associate Professor, Wuhan University of Science and Technology
Tianhu Deng (2013; PhD UC Berkeley)
- Associate Professor, Tsinghua University
Yong Liang (2013; PhD UC Berkeley)
- Assistant Professor, Tsinghua University
Long He (2015; PhD UC Berkeley)
- Assistant Professor, National University of Singapore
Guangrui Ma (2015; PhD HKUST)
- Assistant Professor, Tianjin University
Zelong Yi (2015; PhD HKUST)
- Assistant Professor, Shenzhen University
Jiguang Chen (2013; PhD Fudan University)
- Assistant Professor, Shandong University
Tao Lu (2016; PhD HKUST)
- Assistant Professor, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, Netherlands
Qijun Qiu (2016; PhD University of Hong Kong)
- Assistant Professor, Macau University of Science and Technology
Zhuo Feng (2016; PhD Tianjin University)
- Assistant Professor, Dalian University of Technology
Yao Tang (2016; PhD Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Assistant Professor, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law
Yunjie Wang (2017; PhD HKUST)
- Assistant Professor, Renmin University
Rongying Chen (2017; PhD HKUST)
- Assistant Professor, Suzhou University
Chaocheng Gu (2017; PhD Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Assistant Professor, Jinan University
Anran Li (2018; PhD Columbia University)
- Faculty, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
Yu Cai (2016; HKUST)
- PhD program, Ross School of Business, University of Michigan
Miao Yu (2017; Nankai University)
- PhD program, Ross School of Business, University of Michigan
- 31 papers in UT Dallas top-24, 31 papers in Financial Times top-50, 26 papers in Business Week's top-20 journals
- Ying-Ju Chen, Yves Zenou, and Junjie Zhou (2018), Competitive pricing strategies in social networks, RAND Journal of Economics, 49 (3), pp. 672-705.
- Ying-Ju Chen, Yves Zenou, and Junjie Zhou (2018), Multiple activities in networks, American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 10 (3), pp. 34-85.
- Junjie Zhou and Ying-Ju Chen (2018), Optimal pricing with sequential consumption in networks, forthcoming in Operations Research.
- Chen-Nan Liao, Ying-Ju Chen, and Christopher Tang (2018), Information provision policies for improving farmer welfare in developing countries: Heterogeneous farmers and market selection, forthcoming in Manufacturing & Service Operations Management.
- Ying-Ju Chen, et al. (2018), Innovative Online Platforms: Research Opportunities, forthcoming in Manufacturing & Service Operations Management.
- Qiao-Chu He, Ying-Ju Chen, and Zuo-Jun Max Shen (2018), On the formation of producers' information sharing coalitions, Production and Operations Management, 27 (5), pp. 917-927.
- Song Huang, Xu Guan, and Ying-Ju Chen (2018), Retailer information sharing with supplier encroachment, Production and Operations Management, 27 (6), pp. 1133-1147.
- Zelong Yi, et al. (2018), The impact of consumer fairness seeking on distribution channel selection, Production and Operations Management, 27 (6), pp. 1148-1167.
- Ying-Ju Chen (2017), Optimal dynamic auctions for display advertising, Operations Research, 65 (4), pp. 897-913.
- Ying-Ju Chen, Brian Tomlin, and Yimin Wang (2017), Dual co-product technologies: Implications for process development and adoption, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 19 (4), pp. 692-712.
- Tingliang Huang, Zhe Yin, and Ying-Ju Chen (2017), Managing posterior price matching: The role of customer boundedly rational expectations, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 19 (3), pp. 385-402.
- Chen-Nan Liao and Ying-Ju Chen (2017), Farmers' information management in developing countries - A highly asymmetric information structure, Production and Operations Management, 26 (6), pp. 1207-1220.
- Xu Guan and Ying-Ju Chen (2017), The interplay between information acquisition and quality disclosure, Production and Operations Management, 26 (3), pp. 389-408.
- Junjie Zhou and Ying-Ju Chen (2016), Targeted information release in social networks, Operations Research, 64 (3), pp. 721-735.
- Gao Lin et al. (2016), Combining Spot and Futures Markets: A Hybrid Market Approach to Dynamic Spectrum Access, Operations Research, 64 (4), pp. 794-821.
- Ying-Ju Chen and Ke-Wei Huang (2016), Pricing Data Services: Pricing by Minutes, by Gigs, or by Mega Bytes per Second, Information Systems Research, 27 (3), pp. 596-617.
- Junjie Zhou and Ying-Ju Chen (2015), Key leaders in social networks, Journal of Economic Theory, 157, pp. 212-235.
- Ying-Ju Chen and Christopher S. Tang (2015), The economic value of market information for farmers in developing economies, Production and Operations Management, 24 (9), pp. 1441-1452.
- Ying-Ju Chen and Mingcherng Deng (2015), Information sharing in a manufacturer-supplier relationship: Suppliers' incentive and production efficiency, Production and Operations Management, 24 (4), pp. 619-633.
- Ying-Ju Chen, J. George Shanthikumar and Zuo-Jun Max Shen (2015), Incentive for peer-to-peer knowledge sharing among farmers in developing economies, Production and Operations Management, 24 (9), pp. 1430-1440.
- Tingliang Huang and Ying-Ju Chen (2015), Service systems with experience-based anecdotal reasoning consumers, Production and Operations Management, 24 (5), pp. 778-790.
- Hui Xiong and Ying-Ju Chen (2014), Product line design with seller-induced learning, Management Science, 60 (3), pp. 784-795.
- Ying-Ju Chen (2014), Supply disruptions, heterogeneous beliefs, and production efficiencies, Production and Operations Management, 23 (1), pp. 127-137.
- Lu Hsiao and Ying-Ju Chen (2014), Strategic motive of introducing Internet channels in a supply chain, Production and Operations Management, 23 (1), pp. 36-47.
- Ying-Ju Chen, Mingcherng Deng, and Ke-Wei Huang (2014), Hierarchical screening for capacity allocation in supply chains: the role of distributors, Production and Operations Management, 23 (3), pp. 405-419.
- Ying-Ju Chen, Brian Tomlin, and Yimin Wang (2013), Co-product technologies: Product line design and process innovation, Management Science, 59 (12), pp. 2772-2789.
- Ying-Ju Chen, J. George Shanthikumar, and Zuo-Jun Max Shen (2013), Training, production, and channel separation in ITC`s e-Choupal network, Production and Operations Management, 22 (2), pp. 348-364.
- Lin Gao, et al. (2013), ContrAuction: An integrated contract and auction design for dynamic spectrum sharing, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications {JSAC}, 31 (3), pp. 581-592. [Impact factor: 8.085]
- Ying-Ju Chen and Wenqiang Xiao (2012), Impact of reseller's forecasting accuracy on channel member performance, Production and Operations Management, 21 (6), pp. 1075-1089.
- Ying-Ju Chen and Jiawei Zhang (2012), Design of price mechanisms for network resource allocation via price of anarchy, Mathematical Programming, 131, pp. 333 -364.
- Ying-Ju Chen, Stephen Shum, and Wenqiang Xiao (2012), Should an OEM retain component procurement when the CM produces competing products?, Production and Operations Management, 21 (5), pp. 907-922.
- Lu Hsiao and Ying-Ju Chen (2012), Returns policy and quality design in e-business, Production and Operations Management, 21 (3), pp. 489-503.
- Ying-Ju Chen (2011), Optimal selling scheme for heterogeneous consumers with uncertain valuations, Mathematics of Operations Research, 36, pp. 659-720.
- Chi-Cheng Wu, Ying-Ju Chen, and Chih-Jen Wang (2009), Is persuasive advertising always combative in a distribution channel?, Marketing Science, 28, pp. 1157-1163.
- Ying-Ju Chen and Gustavo Vulcano (2009), Effects of information disclosure under first- and second-price auctions in a supply chain setting, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 11 (2), pp. 299-316.
- Ying-Ju Chen, Sridhar Seshadri, and Eitan Zemel (2008), Sourcing through auctions and audits, Production and Operations Management, 17 (2), pp. 121-138.
- Ying-Ju Chen and Sridhar Seshadri (2007), Product development and pricing strategy for information goods under heterogeneous outside opportunities, Information Systems Research, 18 (2), pp. 150-172.
陳瀅儒 (Chen, Ying-Ju)