Applied Probability; Stochastic Modeling and Optimization; Numerical Methods and Algorithm.
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Applied Probability; Stochastic Modeling and Optimization; Numerical Methods and Algorithm.
Prof. Zhang joined IEDA as an Assistant Professor in 2009, and was promoted to Associate Professor in 2015 and then to full Professor in 2020. His research interests are in the areas of service operations management, queueing system and applied probability. He is an outstanding scholar in the field of Stochastic Modelling and Optimization, Statistical Learning, Numerical Methods and Algorithm, as evidenced by publishing ten papers in leading journals of his discipline since his substantiation, including Management Science, Operations Research, and Mathematics of Operations Research. He has been serving as Associate Editor for Operations Research, Stochastic Systems, and Queueing Models and Service Management, and an editorial board member for Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences.
Prof. Zhang received both Ph.D. and M.S. degrees in Operations Research from Georgia Institute of Technology (2009, 2005), M.S. degree in Mathematics from the Ohio State University (2003), and B.S. degree in Mathematics in Nanjing University (2002).
- Honorable mention, The George E. Nicholson Best Student Paper Prize, INFORMS, October 2009.
- Finalist, The George E. Nicholson Best Student Paper Prize, INFORMS, October 2008.
- IEDA 2510, Engineering Probability and Statistics
- IEDA 2520, Probability for Engineers
- IEDA 3300, Industrial Data Systems
- IEDA 3560, Predictive Analytics
- IEDA 4180, Service Engineering and Management
- IEDA 5270, Engineering Statistics
- EEMT 5500, Applied Probability, Statistics and Data Analytics
- EEMT 5530, Financial Engineering and Risk Management
- Research Grants Council Grant No. 16200617, 2018-2020, “Asymptotic Analysis of Inventory Problems with High Dimensional State Spaces”, Co-I (PI, Rachel Zhang)
- Research Grants Council Grant No. 16201417, 2018-2020, “Brownian Control with High Dimensional State Space”, PI (Co-I: Rachel Zhang)
- Research Grants Council Grant No. 16501015, 2016-2019, “Customer Differentiation in Large Service Systems”, PI
- Research Grants Council Grant No. 16500615, 2016-2018, “Operations Management of Shared Networks in Wireless Communications”, Co-I, (PI, Rachel Zhang)
- University Research Infrastructure Grant No. FSGRF15EG06, 2014-2016, “A queueing approach to spectrum management”, HK$50,000, PI (Co-I: Rachel Zhang)
- Service Systems with Many Limited-Processor-Sharing Servers. Hong Kong Research Grant Council, Early Career Scheme. Project No. 624012, Jan 2013 – Dec 2015. PI
- Theme-Based Research Project: Transforming Hong Kong's Ocean Container Transport Logistics Network. HKD 13,292,000. Hong Kong Research Grant Council. Project No. T32-620/11, Nov 2011 – Oct 2016. (CI, PI: C. Y. Lee).
- Staffing and Control of a Many-server Queueing Network. Hong Kong Research Grant Council, General Research Fund. Project No. 622411, Jan 2012 – Dec 2014. PI
- Analysis of Limited Resource Sharing Models. Hong Kong Research Grant Council, NWO/RGC Joint Research Scheme. Project No. D-HK007/11T, July 2011 – June 2013. PI
- Many-server Queues in Tandem with Time Varying Arrivals. Hong Kong Research Grant Council, General Research Fund. Project No. 622110, Jan 2011 – Dec 2013. PI
- Staffing service outsourcing with rework. Hong Kong Research Grant Council, Direct Allocation Grant. Project No. DAG09/10.EG05, May 2010 – Nov 2011. PI
- Hailun Zhang, Jiheng Zhang, Rachel Zhang (2020), Managing Perishable Inventory Systems as Non-perishable Ones, Production and Operations Management, forthcoming.
- Zhenghua Long, Jiheng Zhang (2019), Virtual Allocation Policies for Many-server Queues with Abandonment, Mathematics Methods of Operations Research, 44 (3), pp. 943–965.
- Zhen Xu, Hailun Zhang, Jiheng Zhang, Rachel Zhang (2019), Online Demand Fulfillment under Limited Flexibility, Management Science, forthcoming.
- Zhenghua Long, Nahum Shimkin, Hailun Zhang, Jiheng Zhang (2019), Dynamic Scheduling of Multiclass Many-server Queues with Abandonment: the Generalized cμ/h Rule, Operations Research, forthcoming.
- Zhenghua Long, Jiheng Zhang (2019), A Note on Many-server Fluid Models with Time-varying Arrivals, Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 33 (3), pp. 417–437.
- Zhen Xu, Jiheng Zhang, Rachel Q. Zhang (2019), Instantaneous Control of Brownian Motion with a Positive Lead Time, Mathematics of Operations Research, 44 (3), pp. 943–965.
- Shining Wu, Jiheng Zhang, Rachel Zhang (2018), Management of a Shared Spectrum Network in Wireless Communications, Operations Research, 66 (4), pp. 1119-1135.
- Angelos Aveklouris, Maria Vlasiou, Jiheng Zhang, Bert Zwart (2017), Heavy-traffic Approximations for a Layered Network with Limited Resources, Probability and Mathematical Statistics, 37 (2), pp. 497–532.
- Junfei Huang, Avishai Mandelbaum, Hanqin Zhang, Jiheng Zhang (2017), Refined Models for Efficiency-Driven Queues with Applications to Delay Announcements and Staffing, Operations Research, 65 (5), pp. 1380-1397.
- Junfei Huang, Hanqin Zhang, Jiheng Zhang (2016), A unified Approach to Diffusion Analysis of Queues with General Patience-time Distribution, Mathematics of Operations Research, 41 (3), pp. 1135-1160.
- Chung-Yee Lee, Hau Lee, Jiheng Zhang (2015), The Impact of Slow Ocean Steaming on Delivery Reliability and Fuel Consumption, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 76, pp. 176-190.
- Xiaowei Zhang, Jeff Hong, Jiheng Zhang (2014), Scaling and Modeling of Call Center Arrivals, Proceedings of the 2014 Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 476-485.
- Tolga Tezcan, Jiheng Zhang (2014), Routing and staffing in customer service web chat systems with impatient customers, Operations Research, 61 (4), pp. 943-956.
- Zhenghua Long, Jiheng Zhang (2014), Convergence to Equilibrium States for Fluid Models of Many-server Queues with Abandonment, Operations Research Letters, 42 (6-7), pp. 388-393.
- Jun Luo, Jiheng Zhang (2013), Staffing and Control of Instant Messaging Contact Centers, Operations Research, 61 (2), pp. 328-343.
- Jiheng Zhang (2013), Fluid Models of Many-server Queues with Abandonment, Queueing Systems, 73 (2), pp. 147-193.
- Maria Vlasiou, Jiheng Zhang, Bert Zwart, Rod van der Mei (2012), Separation of Timescales in a Two-Layered Network, Proceedings of the 24th International Teletraffic Congress, Article No.: 32.
- Jiheng Zhang, J. G. Dai, Bert Zwart (2011), Diffusion Approximations of Limited Processor Sharing Queues in Heavy Traffic, Annals of Applied Probability, 21 (2), pp. 745-799.
- Jiheng Zhang, J. G. Dai, Bert Zwart (2009), Law of Large Number Limits of Limited Processor Sharing Queues, Mathematics of Operations Research, 34 (4), pp. 937-970.
- Jiheng Zhang, Bert Zwart (2008), Steady State Approximations of Limited Processor Sharing Queues in Heavy Traffic, Queueing Systems, 60 (3-4), pp. 227-246.